Over the past several years, our library has put a lot of effort into attracting and providing services for homeschooling families. There are many different types of homeschooling and their needs are different depending on what method they choose. While you don't have to memorize the various types, use this list as a reference when working with homeschooling families. It's certainly appropriate to ask a parent why method they are using in order to find the best type of resources for their type of teaching method.
A woman comes to the circulation desk and asks for a list of websites that provide homeschooling curricula for historic events that took place 1970s. Use your Boolean search skills to find 3 websites that meet this criteria. Cite these articles at the bottom of your list. Submit your assignment to techservices@ephratapubliclibrary.org as a Word file attachment in this format.
You will find many books in the Parenting Collection and the Adult Non-Fiction area for homeschooling famiies. Below are just a few of the resources to which you can refer patrons.