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Personal Finance: Children

ALA Recommended Books in RCLS


American Library Association.  Financial Literacy in Public Libraries: A Guide for Building Collections.
      My thanks go to ALA for inventing this wheel for me.

Thrall Library's Links for Investors.

CFPB's list of financial educational resources

Books @PRPL

Additional Books


  • Allowances   Helpful tips for paying children an allowance.
  • Career Exploration   Information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics on job outlook, salary information, and entry requirements.
  • HIP Pocket Change   Fun money facts and games for children from the U.S. Mint. Also, provides financial literacy resources for parents and teachers to use with children.
  • Jump$tart Clearinghouse   A database of curricula and other resources to teach financial literacy.
  • Money as You Grow Booklist   A list of financial literacy books for children complied by ALA’s Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC).
  • Money on the Bookshelf   A program for children ages 4-10 built around reading children’s books that discuss various money topics. From the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.
  • National Standards in K–12 Personal Finance Education   Standards for what young people should know and can do when it comes to money management. Compiled by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy.
  • Pretty Penny   Learn financial basics with Pretty Penny. See how Penny spends and saves her money. The Penny Projects website is free, but the books have various costs.
  • Right on the Money: Talking Dollars and Sense with Parents and Kids   Created by Penn State University Extension and the Pennsylvania Office of Financial Education for children ages 5–7. Uses children’s literature to teach essential personal finance concepts. Contact the Publications Distribution Center, The Pennsylvania State University, 112 Agricultural Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802-2602 Telephone: 814-865-6713 Fax: 814-863-5560 E-mail:
  • Treasury Direct   Fun money games that quiz children on saving and spending money.
  • Adventures in Math   Lessons on money basics from Scholastic.
  • Bankaroo   An interactive, virtual bank that helps kids learn basic financial literacy skills beginning at an early age.
  • Fifty Nifty Econ Cards   A resource from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City intended for elementary and middle school students to develop their knowledge of economic and personal finance terms.
  • Financial Football   NFL-themed game created to teach money decisions to children. Co-sponsored by Visa.
  • Great Minds Think: A Kid's Guide to Money   An activity book from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, available in English and Spanish. This workbook helps children learn how to make smart decisions about money and includes a section that encourages kids to “Ask an Adult” about money decisions they’ve made.
  • Money as You Grow Bookclub   Resources for starting a book club at your library from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Geared towards children ages 4 through 10.
  • Personal Finance for Kids   Personal Finance curriculum packages organized by age and grade levels. The curriculum packages have various costs. Please contact the National Financial Educators Council for more information.
  • Social Security and Children   Information for educators and parents to teach the importance of Social Security to children.
  • Warren Buffett’s Secret Millionaire’s Club   A video series of financial literacy and entrepreneurship lessons featuring an animated Warren Buffett.
