Acosta, Alicia. Pumpkin and Me. SLJ 3/22
Ahiyya, Vera. KINDergarten: Where Kindness Matters Every Day. PW 8/1/22
Ainoya, Yuki. Sato the Rabbit: The Moon. HB 1-2/22
Alary, Laura. Sun in My Tummy.SLJ 3/22
Alexander, Jed. Gold K 10/15/22
Andres, Jose Carlos Who Stole My Leg? SLJ 8/22
Andrews, Jan. When the Wind Came. K 5/15/22
Applegate, Katherine. Doggo and Pupper Save the World. K 10/15/22
Arnold, Elana K. Pip and Zip. PW 5/16/22
Ashman, Linda. Fire Chief Fran. K 9/15/22, PW 10/17/22, BL 11/1-15/22
Ashman, Linda. I Like This, You Like That. SLJ 4/22
Barnett, Mac. The Great Zapfino. PW 2/7/22, SLJ 6/22, K 10/15/22
Barnett, Mac. John's Turn. PW 1/10/22
Barnett, Mac. The Three Billy Goats Gruff. PW 8/8/22, BL 9/1/22
Barrows, Annie. Like. BL 9/1/22
Bebar, Ruth. Tia Fortuna's New Home: A Jewish Cuban Journey. K 12/15/21
Bell, Jennifer A. The Best Gift for Bear. PW 9/12/22
Bernstrom, Daniel. Song in the City. BL 10/15/22
Blackall, Sophie. Farmhouse. K 7/1/22, PW 7/18/22, BL 9/1/22, HB 9/22
Bolden,Tonya. Going Places: Victor Hugo Green and His Glorious Book. K 8/15/22
Bondestam, Linda. My Life at the Bottom: The Story of a Lonesome Axolotl. SLJ 5/22
Bolling, Valerie. Together We Ride. BL 5/15/22
Briseno, Stephen. The Notebook Keeper: A Story of Kindness from the Border. BL 5/15/22
Brockington, Drew. Puppy Bus. K 5/1/22
Brown, Tameka Fryer. Twelve Dinging Doorbells. K 9/1/22, PW 9/12/22
Buitrago, Jairo. Drawing Outdoors. K 4/15/22, PW 8/29/22
Buitrago, Jairo. Ways to Make Friends. K 7/15/22
Cali, Davide. Too Many Pigs and One Big Bad Wolf. K 10/1/22
Cali, Davide. The Writer. BL 3/1/22
Camper, Cathy. Arab Arab All Year Long! SLJ 6/22
Carranza, Leonarda. Abuelita and Me. BL 3/15/22, K 5/1/22
Carzoo, Breanna. Lou. PW 5/2/22, K 7/15/22
Chen, Eva. I Am Golden. PW 12/6/21, BL 12/15/21, K 3/1/22
Chen, Shige. I Love You. SLJ 2/22
Cheng, Christopher. Will We Always Hold Hands? K 9/15/22
Clarke, Maxine Beneba. Fashionista: Fashion Your Feelings. K 10/15/22
Cole, Henry. Building. BL 4/15/22
Cole, Henry. Forever Home: A Dog and Boy Love Story. SLJ 7/22
Collier, Bryan. Music is a Rainbow. SLJ 6/22
Cooper, Desiree. Nothing Special. BL 10/15/22
Cooper, Kelly. Midnight and Moon. BL 2/15/22
Cordell, Matthew. Cornbread & Poppy. PW 11/29/21, BL 12/15/21
Cousins, Lucy. A Good Place. SLJ 4/22
Crews, Nina. I'm Not Small. BL 3/1/22
Curato, Mike. Where is Bina Bear? PW 10/18/21
David-Sax, Pauline. Everything in It's Place: A Story of Books and Belonging. PW 5/23/22, K 7/15/22
Deedy, Carmen Agra. Wombat Said Come In. K 8/1/22
deGroat, Diane. The Adventures of Robo-Kid. K 5/15/22
de la Pena, Matt. Patchwork. K 7/1/22
de Regil, Tania. Something About Grandma. PW 9/26/22
de Seve, Randall. This Story is not About a Kitten. K 9/1/22
Denise, Christopher. Knight Owl. BL 3/15/22
DeNoya, Lee. The Girl Who Wrote Her Own Fairytale. BL 2/15/22
Derby, Cindy. Blurp's Book of Manners. K 10/15/22, PW 10/17/22
Donovan, Sam & Kristen Wixted. Miss Rita, Mystery Reader. BL 5/1/22
Dorleans, Marie. Our Fort. PW 2/21/22
Dubuc, Marianne. On Baba's Back. PW 10/18/21
Duncan, Alice Faye. Opal Lee and What It Means to Be Free. BL 9/15/21
Duncan, Alice Faye. Yellow Dog Blues. BL 8/22, K 8/15/22
Eady, Antwan. Night and the Moon. PW 12/13/21
Edwards, Michelle. Me and the Boss: A Story about Mending and Love. BL 10/1/22, K 1j0/15/22
Emberley, Michael. I Did It! K 8/15/22
Emily, Rachel. In You I See: A Story that Celebrates the Beauty Within. SLJ 2/22
Ericson, Nora. Too Early. K 9/15/22, PW 10/10/22
Evans, Gabriel. Norton and the Bear. BL 3/15/22
Evans, Rebecca. Alone Like Me. K 2/15/22
Faber, Polly. Through the North Pole Snow. PW 9/12/22
Fagan, Cary. Boney. PW 8/15/22
Falatko, Julie. Rick the Rock of Room 214. PW 6/27/22
Falconer, Ian. Two Dogs. PW 3/28/22, K 4/15/22
Ferneyhough, Liza. Nana, Nenek & Nina. PW 7/4/22
Fleming, Meg. Rock That Vote. PW 10/10/22
Flores, Feather. The Twelve Cats of Christmas. PW 9/12/22
Fogliano, Julie. I Don't Care. K 7/15/22, BL 9/1/22
Fong, Pam. Once upon a Forest. BL 1/1-15/22
Fong, Pam. A Spark in the Dark. BL 10/1/22
Ford, Bernette. Uncle John's City Garden. BL 5/1/22
Forler, Nan. Rodney Was a Tortoise. PW 12/6/21, BL 2/1/22
Forsythe, Matthew. Mina. BCCB 12/21, BL 1/1-15/22, HB 1 - 2/22
Foxell, Imogen. Maybe You Might. K 8/15/22
Fraillon, Zana. The Curiosities. K 5/15/22, SLJ 7/22
Freedman, Deborah. Tiny Dino. BL 3/1/22, PW 8/29/22
Gehl, Laura. Apple and Magnolia. K 12/1/21
Geron, Eric. Bye, Bye, Binary. PW 9/5/22
Gianferrari, Maria. Being a Dog: A Tail of Mindfulness. SLJ 5/22
Giddens, Rhiannon. Build a House. K 7/1/22
Gilmore, Sophie. The Sea in the Way. PW 7/18/22, K 9/1/22
Giovanni, Nikki. A Library. BL 9/15/22
Goade, Michaela. Berry Song. K 2/15/22, PW 4/11/22, BL 5/15/22, SLJ 7/22
Goldstone, Bruce. Zero Zebras: A Counting Book About What's Not There. K 8/15/22
Gomez, Blanca. Dress-Up Day. PW 1/10/22, SLJ 3/22
Gonzalez, Karina Nicole. The Coquies Still Sing. K 8/1/22, PW 9/26/22
Goodale, E.B., Also SLJ 12/21, PW 6/6/22
Gopal, Jyoati Rajan. American Delsl. SLJ 7/22
Gopal, Jyoati Rajan. My Paati's Saris. SLJ 9/22, PW 9/26/22
Gourley, Kashelle. I'm Not Missing. BL 5/1/22
Graham, Bob. Jigsaw: Mystery in the Mall. K 5/1/22
Grant, Shauntay. My Fade is Fresh. SLJ 9/22, K 9/15/22, PW 10/10/22, BL 11/1-15/22
Greanias, Margaret Chiu. Amah Faraway. SLJ 12/21
Greendeer, Danielle and others. Keepunumuk: Weeachumun's Thanksgiving Story. BL 9/15/22
Greenwood, Sara. My Brother Is Away. BL 10/1/22
Grimes, Nikki. Playtime for Restless Rascals. K 8/1/22
Guridi, Raul Nieto. It's So Difficult. PW 4/11/22
Hahn, Sabina. Pineapple Princess. BL 5/1/22
Hare, John. Field Trip to Volcano Island. SLJ 4/22
Harper, Charise Mericle. I Cannot Draw a Horse. BL 9/1/22
Harrison, Hannah.Poopsie Gets Lost. SLJ 5/22
Heder, Thyra. Sal Boat (A Boat by Sal). PW 6/27/22, BL 8/22
Hemingway, Edward. Pigeon & Cat. SLJ 7/22
Heti, Sheila. A Garden of Creatures. BL 6/1-15/22
Higgins, Carter. Big and Small and In-Between. SLJ 4/22
Hodgkinson, Leigh. Martha Maps it Out. BL 7/22
Howden, Sarah. The Tunnel. BCCB 2/22
Howell-Baptiste, Kirby. Little Black Girl: Oh, the Things You Can Do! SLJ 8/22
Hrab, Naseem. How to Party Like a Snail. PW 10/31/22
Hunter, Anne. Baby Squeaks. PW 3/21/22
Hurston, Zona Neale. Magnolia Flower. K 8/1/22, PW 8/1/22
Hussain, Nadiya. Today I'm Strong. BCCB 5/22
Ignatow, Amy. Symphony for a Broken Orchestra. K 7/1/22, PW 10/3/22
Impala. Lola Loves Animals. SLJ 3/22
Isern, Susanna. Zorro dice mentiras. SLJ 3/22
Iwai, Melissa. Gigi and Ojiji. BL 3/1/22
John, Jory. This Book Will Get You to Sleep! PW 3/7/22
Johnson, Dinah. H is for Harlem. K 5/15/22, SLJ 7/22, PW 9/26/22
Johnson, Dinah. Indigo Dreaming. K 10/15/22
Kamanda, Ali. Black Boy, Black Boy. SLJ 8/22
Katstaller, Rachel. Skater Cielo. K 6/15/22, PW 10/3/22
Kazemi, Nahid. Shahrzad and the Angry King. K 11/1/21
Kahn, Naaz. Room For Everyone. HB 1 -2/22
Kerascoet. I Forgive Alex: A Simple Story About Understanding. SLJ 7/22
Kilgore, Emily. The Christmas Book Flood. K 9/1/22
Kim, Jihyun. The Depth of the Lake and the Height of the Sky. BL 4/1/22, K 5/15/22, SLJ 5/22
Kjolstadmyr, Inger Marie. The Bird Coat. K 10/15/22
Kline, Logan S. Finding Fire. PW 7/18/22
Kosinski, Colleen Rowan. Love Made Me More. SLJ 9/22
Kraegel, Kenneth. Mushroom Lullaby. K 7/1/22, PW 8/15/22, BL 9/1/22
LaCour, Nina. Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle. BL 2/1/22, PW 5/2/22
Lai, Thanhha. .Hundred Years of Happiness. SLJ 4/22, PW 5/30/22
Lainez, Rene Colato. Let's Be Friends/Seamos amigos. BL 2/1/22
Lam, Thao. The Line in the Sand. K 8/1/22, SLJ 9/22
LaRocca, Rajani. I'll Go and Come Back. PW 1/31/22
Lawson, Jonarno. A Day for Sandcastles. PW 2/21/22, BCCB 3/22, K 3/15/22, BL 5/1/22
Lehman, Barbara. Little Red and the Cat Who Loved Cake. HB 1 - 2/22
Lehrhaupt, Adam. There Was a Hole. BL 4/15/22
Levis, Caron. Feathers Together. K 8/15/22, PW 9/19/22
Lim, Hope. Mommy's Hometown. K 4/15/22, PW 5/2/22
Lin, Grace. Once upon a Book. BL 11/1-15/22
Lippert, Tonya. Home. BL 2/15/22
Lloyd-Jones, Sally. Tiny Cedric. PW 12/20/21
Lo, Richard. After the Moonrise. SLJ 8/22
Loring Fisher, Jo. Wolf Girl. SLJ 12/21
Lyall, Casey. A Spoonful of Frogs. BL 6/1-15/22, HB 9-10/22
Lyons, Kally Starling. My Hands Tell a Story. SLJ 4/22, PW 5/30/22
MacLeod, Mr. & Mrs. How to Eat a Book. SLJ 9/22
MacLachlan, Patricia. Snow Horses: A First Night Story. K 9/1/22, PW 10/3/22, BL 11/1-15/22
Majewski, Marc. Butterfly Child. BL 11/1-15/22
Malbrough, Mike. Love is Here. K 12/1/21
Mancillas, Monica. Mariana and Her Family. BL 10/1/22
Manoli, Costantia. Tomatoes in my Lunchbox. K 4/15/22, PW 10/31/22
Manushkin, Fran. Latkes and Applesauce: A Hanukkah Story. K 9/1/22
Marcero, Deborah. Out of a Jar. SLJ 2/21
Martin, Jr., Bill. and Michael Sampson. Armadillo Antics. PW 2/7/22
Maruno, Jennifer. While You Sleep K 10/15/22
Maynor, Megan. Not Enough Lollipops. K 12/1/21
Mayper, Monica. Night on the Sand. K 9/15/22
McAnulty, Stacy. Our Planet! There's No Place Like Earth. SLJ 5/22
McGinty, Alice B. Bathe the Cat. HB 1 -2/22
Meddour, Wendy. Tisha and the Blossoms. SLJ 4/22
Medina, Juana. I Feel!: A Book of Emotions. SLJ 9/22
Meganck, Margaux. People Are Wild. PW 6/6/22
Mello, Roger. Joao By a Thread. K 10/1/22
Menendez, Juliet. Dream with the/Sueno con las Latinitas. BL 9/1/22
Meserve, Jessica. Beyond the Burrow. BL 3/15/22
Miller, Pat Zietlow. See You Someday Soon. K 5/1/22
Moahloli, Refiloe. I Am You: A Book About Ubuntu. SLJ 12/21.
Moore, David Barclay. Carrimebac, the Town that Walked. SLJ 5/22
Moore, Katrina. Sometimes Love. BL 7/22
Morgan, Sally. Little Bird's Day. HB 1 - 2/22
Monsen, Avery. Chester van Crime Who Forgot How to Rhyme. PW 1/24/22
Morpugo, Michael. Flying Scotsman and the Best Birthday Ever. BL 11/1-15/22
Morrison, Frank. Kick Push. PW 11/1/21
Morrison, Nora & Jessie Ann Foley. Agatha May and the Angelfish. SLJ 9/22, BL 11/1-15/22
Mountford, Karl James. The Circles in the Sky. K 7/15/22
Muller, Gerda. Whose Footprints Are These? PW 9/19/22
Murguia, Bethanie Deeney. What's Your Name? K 10/1/22, PW 10/10/22
Muth, Felicity. Am I Even a Bee? BL 3/1/22
Nainy, Mamta. Rainbow Hands. BL 3/15/22
Neilson, Emily. The Rainbow Parade. K 2/1/22, BL 5/1/22, PW 6/20/22
Nepveu-Villeneuve, Maude. Olivia Wrapped in Vines. SLJ 12/21
Neruda, Pablo. Book of Questions. SLJ 12/21
Newman, Patricia. A River's Gifts: The Mighty Elwha River Reborn. K 8/15/22
Njie, Haddy. A Dream for Every Season. K 9/1/22
Noel, Jack. Skater Baby. BL 2/1/22
Nontsbokweni, Sihle-isipho. Wanda the Brave. BL 8/22, K 9/1/22
Obuobi, Laura. Black Gold. K 9/1/22
Pa, Mikolaj. Van Dog. BL 10/15/22
Palmer, Charly. The Legend of Gravity: A Tall Basketball Tale. HB 1 - 2/22
Paquette, Ammi-Joan. All From a Walnut. PW 1/3/22
Park, Hyunmin. So Much Snow. K 8/15/22
Paul, Baptiste. Climb On! BL 1/1-15/22
Perdomo, Juliana. Sometimes, All I Need Is Me. BL 4/1/22
Petty, Dev. How Old is Mr. Tortoise? PW 4/25/22
Pinfold, Levi. Paradise Sands. K 8/1/22, HB 11/22
Pinkney, Andrea Davis. Bright Brown Baby. PW 11/29/21
Pinkwater, Daniel. Kat Hats. BL 1/1-15/22
Pintadera, Fran. Madani's Best Game HB 9/22
Ponti, Claude. Blaze and the Castle Cake for Bertha Daye. PW 3/28/22
Powers, Andie. I Am Quiet: A Story for the Introvert in All of Us. BL 4/15/22
Preus, Margi. Lily Leads the Way. K 3/15/22
Price, Kathy Z. Mardi Gras Almost Didn't Come This Year. PW 12/20/21, BL 1/1-15/22
Pumphrey, Jerome and Jarrett. It's a Sign! PW 3/7/22
Pumphery Jerome and Jarrett. Somewhere in the Bayou. SLJ 4/22
Ramos, NoNieqa. Beauty Woke. BL 1/1-15/22, K 12/1/21
Raul the Third, My Nap, Mi Siesta: A Coco Rocho Book. SLJ 3/22
Raul the Third. My Party. Mi Fiesta: A Coco Rocho Book. SLJ 3/22
Rex, Adam. Digestion! The Musical. PW 9/19/22
Reynolds, Aaron. Creepy Crayon! K 6/15/22
Rhee, Helena Ku. Rosa's Song. BL 5/15/22
Rich, Simon. I'm Terrified of Bath Time. BL 3/15/22
Riddiough, Lisa Frenkel. Letters to Live By: An Alphabet Book with Intention. SLJ 2/22
Robert, Nadine. Clover. PW 7/18/22
Rocco, Hayley. How to Send a Hug. K 10/1/22, BL 11/1-15/22
Rodman, Mary Ann. Wibble Wobble BOOM! BL 9/1/22
Roeder, Vanessa. The Stack. SLJ 12/21
Rose, Tiffany. Dear Reader: A Love Letter to Libraries. K 12/1/21
Ruzzier, Sergio. No! Said Custard the Squirrel. K 7/15/22, PW 7/25/22
Sainte-Marie, Buffy. Still This Love Goes On. K 8/1/22, HB 11/22
Salati, Doug. Hot Dog. PW 2/14/22, K 9/15/22, HB 11/22
Sanchez, Jenny Tores. Con mucho amor. BL 2/1/22
Sanford, Adaiah. The Legend of the Spirit Serpent. K 3/15/22
Santana Camargo, Sebastian. My Uncle is Coming Tomorrow. K 8/15/22
Sarda, Julia. The Queen in the Cave. BL 3/15/22
Savage, Stephen. Moonlight. PW 5/30/22
Scanlon, Liz Garton. Frances in the Country. PW 4/25/22
Scanlon, Liz Garton. Would You Come Too? PW 6/6/22
Schu, John. This Is a School. BL 2/15/22
Schubert, Leda. Firsts & Lasts: The Changing Seasons. BCCB 3/22
Schwartz, Howard. All You Need. SLJ 5/22
Scieszka, Jon. The Real Dada Mother Goose: A Treasury of Complete Nonsense. PW 8/8/22, BL 9/1/22
Shannon, David. Gold! BL 9/1/22
Shapiro, Esme. My Self, Your Self. K 10/1/22, PW 10/31/22
Shrinivasan, Divya. Little Owl's Love. SLJ 9/22
Shum, Benson. Anzu the Great Kaiju. SLJ 2/22
Singer, Marilyn. Dog Says, Cat Says. BL 2/1/22
Sirdeshpande, Rashmi. Dadaji's Paintbrush. SLJ 6/22
Skomsvold, Kjersti Annesdatter. Bedtime for Bo. K 10/15/22
Smith, Lane A Gift for Nana. K 2/15/22, PW 5/30/22
Snider, Grant. One Boy Watching. PW 5/2/22
Snyder, Laurel. Endlessly Ever After: Pick Your Path to Countless Fairy Tale Endings! SLJ 5/22
Soontornvat, Christina. To Change a Planet. K 7/15/22
Sorelli, Traci. Powwow Day. PW 12/20/21, K 12/15/21, SLJ 4/22
Sorosiak, Calie. Everywhere with You. BL 4/15/22
Spillett-Summer, Tasha. Beautiful You, Beautiful Me. K 9/15/22
Stead, Philip. Every Dog in the Neighborhood. SLJ 6/22
Stead, Philip. I'd Like to Be the Window for a Wise Old Dog. BL 4/15/22
Stead, Philip. The Sun is Late and So Is the Farmer. K 8/1/22, BL 9/1/22
Stein, David Ezra. Don't Worry, Murray. PW 4/4/22
Sterling, Holly. Ballet Kids. K 10/1/22
Sundin, David. The Book That Did Not Want to Be Read. BL 12/1/21
Tarnowska, Wafa. Nour's Secret Library. SLJ 2/22
Taylor III, Theodore. Off the Wall. K 9/1/22, HB 11/22
Theodore, Adrea. A History of Me. SLJ 2/22
Thompkins-Bigelow, Jamilah. Abdul's Story. BL 3/15/22
Thompkins-Bigelow, Jamilah. Hold Them Close: A Love Letter to Black Children. PW 9/19/22
Tokuda-Hall, Maggie. Love in the Library. PW 11/29/21, BL 12/1/21, SLJ 12/21
Tomlinson, Rachel. A Blue Kind of Day. K 2/15/22
Tonatiuh, Duncan. A Land of Books: Dreams of Young Mexihcah Word Painters. PW 10/17/22
Torres, Jennifer. Lola Out Loud: Inspired by the Childhood of Activist Dolores Huerta. SLJ 7/22
Torres, Julio. I Want to Be a Vase. PW 4/18/22
Underwood, Deborah. Walter Had a Best Friend. K 7/1/22, PW 8/15/22
Vail, Rachel. Sometimes I Grumblesquinch. SLJ 7/22
Van, Muon Thi. I Love You Because I Love You. SLJ 4/22
Van Dusen, Chris. Big Truck, Little Island. PW 2/21/22, K 5/15/22
Verde, Susan. Tortoise and Hare: A Fairy Tale to Help You Find Balance. BL 4/15/22
Vo, Young. Gibberish. BL 2/1/22
Walstead, Alice. How to Catch a Witch. SLJ 6/22
Wang, Andrea. Luli and the Language of Tea. BL 3/1/22
Watts, Bernadette. Varenka. SLJ 6/22
Weatherford, Carole Boston. Grandma and Me. SLJ 4/22
Weatherford, Carole Boston. Me and the Family Tree. BL 9/1/22
Weatherford, Carole Boston. Standing in the Need of Prayer: A Modern Retelling of the Classic Spiritual. BL 9/1/22, K 9/1/22, PW 10/3/22
Weill, Cynthia. Vamanos: Mexican Folk Art Transport in English and Spanish. K 8/1/22
White, Dianne. Dark on Light. K 9/15/22, PW 10/24/22
White, Paula. The Baker by the Sea. PW 10/17/22
Wilder, Derick. Does A Bulldozer Have a Butt? PW 2/21/22
Willems, Mo. The Pigeon Will Ride the Roller Coaster! BL 9/1/22
Williams, Alicia D. The Talk. K 8/15/22, PW 8/29/22
Williams, Margery. The Velveteen Rabbit. BL 4/15/22
Williams, Tyus D. Big Cats: What Do Lions, Tigers, and Panthers Get Up To All Day? K 4/15/22
Wilson, Ciara. Why Not You? SLJ 3/22
Wolf, Allan. The Blanket Where Violet Sits. PW 8/15/22
Wong-Kalu, Hinaleimoana, Dean. Kapaemahu. K 4/1/22, SLJ 8/22
Woodard, Bellen. More Than Peach. SLJ 7/22
Woodson, Jacqueline. The World Belonged to Us. PW 3/14/22, K 4/15/22
Woodson, Jacqueline. The Year We Learned to Fly. PW 11/15/21, BL 12/1/21, K 2/15/22, BL 5/1/22
Wu, Helen. Tofu Takes Time. SLJ 5/22
Yang, James. Go Sled! Go! SLJ 9/22
Yoshitake, Shinsuke. I Won't Give Up My Rubber Band. K 5/1/22
Young, Vo. Gibberish. K 4/15/22
Youngblood, Shay. Mama's Home. K 9/15/22
Yvette, Latonya. The Hair Book. SLJ 3/22
Zimmerman, Andrea. Firefighter Flo!. PW 10/17/22
Note: The committee should keep in mind that the award is for distinguished illustrations in a picture book and for excellence of pictorial presentation for children. The award is not for didactic intent or for popularity.