Please alpha by author. If title is already on the list, please add abbreviation and date to it. (PW = Publishers Weekly, SLJ = School Library Journal, HB = Horn Book, Kirkus = K, Booklist = BL The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books = BCCB (feel free to add other journal titles and abbreviations.
Abadia, Ximo Goliath: The Boy Who Was Different K 3/1/19
Aglukark, Susan Una Huna? What is This? K 1/15/19
Alexander, Kwame. How to Read a Book. BL 3/15/19, K 4/15/19
Amato, Max Perfect K 10/15/18
Andres, Jose Carlos Adopting a Dinosaur K 4/1/19
Appelt, Kathi. Max Attacks. BL 4/15/19, K 4/1/19
Archer, Micha Daniel's Good Day. PW 3/11/19, K 3/15/19, SLJ 5/19
Anchin, Lisa. The Little Green Girl. BL 4/15/19
Argueta,Jorge. Fuego, Fuegito/ Fire, Little Fire K 8/15/19
Atteberry, Kevan. The Ghost Cat. BL 5/15/19
Atinuke, B is for Baby K 1/15/19
Baer, Julien. The Book in the Book in the Book. BL 2/1/19
Bagley, Jessixa. Henry and Bea. PW 8/26/19
Banks, Kate Noah Builds an Ark 1/15/19
Barnes, Derrick The King of Kindergarten K 6/1/19, PW 6/24/19, BCCB 7-8/19, SLJ 8/19
Barnett, Mac. Circle. BCCB 2/19
Barnett, Mac. Hi, Jack! PW 7/8/19
Barnett, Mac. The Important Thing About Margaret Wise Brown. PW 2/18/19
Barnett, Mac Just Because K 7/1/19, SLJ 10/19
Becker, Aaron. You Are Light SLJ 3/19
Bell, Cece. You Loves Ewe! K 8/15/19
Bernstein, Galia. Leyla. PW 3/4/19
Best, Cari. I'm Brave! I'm Strong! I'm Five! SLJ 11/19
Bird, Betsy. The Great Santa Stakeout. BL 9/1/19
Brashares, Ben. Being Edie Is Hard Today. BL 4/1/19
Brosgol, Vera. The Little Guys. BL 2/15/19, SLJ 4/19, HB 5-6/19
Brown, Dolores. The Truly Brave Princesses. BL 11/15/18
Bryon, Nathan Rocket Says Look Up! K 4/1/19
Buitrago, Jairo. Lion and Mouse SLJ 5/19
Burach, Ross. The Very Impatient Caterpillar : Am I A Butterfly Yet? BCCB 1/19
Busheri, Devona In the Jerusalem Forest K 8/1/19
Button, Joshua & Wells, Robyn Steve Goes to Carnival K 1/1/19
Cali, Davide Grown-Ups Never Do That K 8/1/19
Cao, Wenxuan Summer K 3/15/19
Cassidy, Sara. The Moon is a Silver Pond. PW 8/12/19
Cecil, Randy Douglas K 7/15/19
Cervantes, Angela. Frida, el misterio del anillo del payo real y yo. BL 8/19
Cha, Hanna. Tiny Feet between the Mountains. BL 11/15/19
Charles, Tami. Freedom Soup. PW 10/14/19
Chernysheva, Natalia. The Return K 7/15/19
Cherry, Matthew. Hair Love SLJ 5/19
Chin, Louie Bodega Cat K 8/15/19, PW 10/14/19
Choi, Susan Camp Tiger K 3/1/19, PW 3/4/19, BL 4/1/19, SLJ 5/19, BCCB 6/19
Coelho, Joseph Grandpa's Stories K 2/15/19, PW 4/15/19
Colato Lainez, Rene My Shoes and I / Mis Zapatos Y Yo K 3/15/19
Cole, Henry Spot & Dot K 5/1/19
Cooper, Elisha River K 7/15/19, BL 9/1/19, SLJ 11/19
Cooper, Susan. The Shortest Day. PW 7/15/19, K 9/1/19
Cordell, Matthew. Explorers. BL 9/1/19
Curry, Parker. Parker Looks Up: An Extraordinary Moment K 9/15/19
Cyrus, Kurt Fix That Clock K 9/1/19
Dahle, Gro Angryman K 12/1/18
Darvis, Jacky Olive & Pekoe in Four Short Walks K 12/15/18, HB 3-4/19
Davison, Danielle. The Traveler's Gift: A Story of Loss and Hope K 8/15/19
Deal, Laura In the Sky at Nighttime K 8/15/19
Dealey, Erin Snow Globe Wishes K 9/1/19
Dekko, Espen Paws & Edward K 3/1/19
De Luca, Luciana. The Reader K 8/15/19
Del Mazo, Margarita. My Big Bear, My Little Bear, and Me SLJ 11/19
Denos, Julia Here and Now K 6/15/19, PW 9/9/19
Desjardins, India A Story About Cancer (With a Happy Ending) K 11/15/18
de Moraes, Ana. The Night Bear. BL 2/15/19
Doerrfeld, Cori. Goodbye Friend! Hello Friend! BCCB 7-8/19
Doerrfeld, Cori Wild Baby K 12/1/18
Donaldson, Julia. The Cook and the King. PW 2/18/19
Dubuc, Marianne. Otto and Pio. PW 12/3/18, SLJ 2/19
Eggers, Dave. Tomorrow Most Likely SLJ 3/19
Eggers, Dave. Most of the Better Natural Things in the World 10/1/19, BL 11/1/19
Eland, Eva When Sadness is at Your Door K 11/1/18, PW 12/24/18
Elia, Stella Old Man of the Sea K 8/1/19
Eliot, Hannah. Lunar New Year SLJ 2/19
Elliot, David Oink K 2/15/19
Elschner, Geraldine. My Little Chick SLJ 5/19
Elya, Susan Middleton. Our Celebracion! BL 11/1/18
Fagan, Cary King Mouse K 7/1/19
Falatko, Julie. The Great Indoors. BL 3/15/19
Farina, Matthew. Lawrence in the Fall. PW 3/11/19
Farrell, Alison The Hike K 7/15/19
Ferry, Beth. The Scarecrow SLJ 9/19
Flett, Julie Birdsong K 7/1/19, SLJ 9/19, PW 9/30/19
Fogliano, Julie. Just in Case You Want to Fly. BL 9/1/19, SLJ 10/19
Forsythe, Matthew. Pokko and the Drum. PW 7/29/19, BL 9/1/19
Fox, Mem. Roly Poly K 10/1/19
Freedman, Deborah. Carl and the Meaning Life SLJ 3/19, BL 3/15/19
Frost, Helen Hello, I'm Here! K 3/1/19
Gale, Heather. Ho'onani: Hula Warrior. PW 7/29/19
Gay, Marie-Louise. Fern and Horn. BL 9/1/19
Gill, Joel Christian Fast Enough: Bessie Stringfield's First Ride K 1/15/19
Gilmore, Sophie. Little Doctor and the Fearless Beast. PW 12/17/18, K 1/15/19, BL 3/1/19
Gladstone, James. My Winter City. PW 10/21/19
Godwin, Jane. Baby Day SLJ 2/19
Godwin, Jane. Red House, Tree House, Little Bitty Brown Mouse K 7/15/19
Gonzalez, Raul. Vamos! Let's Go to the Market! PW 1/28/19
Goodner, David Ginny Goblin Cannot Have A Monster for a Pet K 5/1/19
Goodner, David. Kondo & Kezumi Visit Giant Island. PW 7/8/19
Gordon, Gus. The Last Peach. PW 2/25/19, K 3/1/19, BL 5/1/19
Gregg, Sydni Seagull & Sea Dragon K 4/1/19
Greig, Louise. Sweep SLJ 9/19
Guest, Patrick The Second Sky K 1/15/19
Guojing Storm: A Story About Finding a Forever Home K 6/15/19, BL 8/19
Gyetxw, Hetxw'ms. The Grizzly Mother. PW 9/23/19
Haack, Daniel & Galupo, Isabel. Maiden & Princess. BL 3/15/19
Hale, Christy. Todos Iguales/All Equal: Un Corrido de Lemon Grove/A Ballad of Lemon Grove. BL 8/19
Hall, Michael. Monkey Time. BL 11/15/18
Hare, John. Field Trip to the Moon SLJ 5/19
Harney, Jenn Underwear! K 1/15/19
Harrison, Hannah E. Bear is Awake! An Alphabet Story. PW 11/11/19
Hart, Caryl One Shoe Two Shoes K 5/1/19
Harrison, Hannah. Bear is Awake! An Alphabet Story K 8/15/19, SLJ 11/19
Hartland, Jessie My Tiny Pet K 5/1/19
Hartman, Brooke Dream Flights on Arctic Nights K 12/15/18
Heder, Thyra. How Do You Dance? PW 5/13/19, K 6/1/19
Henderson, Judith. Smell the Daisies. BL 10/1/19
Henn, Sophy. Lifesize. PW 9/23/19
Herrera, Juan Felipe. Lejos/Far. PW 9/16/19
Hodge, Deborah Cooking With Bear: A Story and Recipes from the Forest K 1/15/19
Hoefler, Kate. Rabbit and the Motorbike K 7/15/19, BL 9/1/19
Hout, Mies van From 1 To 10 K 4/1/19
Houts, Michelle Sea Glass Summer K 4/1/19
Ikegami, Aiko. Hello K 8/15/19
International Centre for the Picture Book in Society. Migrations: Open Hearts, Open Borders K 8/15/19
Jackson, Richard. Puddle. BL 2/1/19, K 1/15/19
James, Simon. Mr. Scruff K 8/15/19
Janeczko, Paul. The Proper Way to Meet a Hedgehog and Other How-To Poems. PW 1/7/19
Javaherbin, Mina My Grandma and Me K 5/15/19, SLJ 8/19, PW 9/9/19
Jobe, Lisa. Can I Keep It? BL 6/1-15/19, SLJ 7/19
John, Jory The Good Egg K 10/15/18, BL 1/1-15/19
Kelkar, Supriya. The Many Colors of Harpreet Singh SLJ 8/19
Kim, Sang-Keum Little Mole's Wish K 9/1/19
Klein, Cheryl B. Wings. BL 11/15/18, PW 12/10/18
Krauss, Ruth. Roar Like a Dandelion. PW 7/22/19, K 7/15/19, SLJ 10/19
Kumin, Maxine and Anne Sexton. The Wizard's Tears. PW 2/11/19
Kvasnoksy, Laura McGee. Squeak! BL 7/19, SLJ 8/19
Lacera, Jorge Zombies Don't Eat Veggies! K 2/15/19
Lanan, Jessica. The Fisherman and the Whale SLJ 5/19
Larsen, Andrew. Me, Toma, and the Concrete Garden. BL 5/15/19
Latham, Irene. Meet Miss Fancy. BL 1/1-15/19
Leason, Jennifer & Chartrad, Norman. Blueberry Patch/Mayabeekamneeboon K 7/15/19
Lebeuf, Darren My Forest is Green K 2/15/19
Ledyard, Stephanie Parsley. Home is a Window. HB 3-4/19, SLJ 4/19
Lee, Uk-Bae When Spring Comes the DMZ K 1/15/19
Leslie, Lindsay. This Book is Spineless. BL 2/1/19
Lieb, Josh Chapter Two is Missing! K 8/15/19
Light, Steve. Mama Tiger Tiger Cub. BL 10/15/19
Liu, Joanne My City K 3/1/19
Lloyd-Jones, Sally Hats off to Mr. Pockles! K 10/15/18
Lloyd-Jones, Sally. Look! I Wrote a Book! (And You Can Too!). BL 6/1-15/19
Loney, Andrea. Double Bass Blues K 8/15/19, PW 8/26/19
Lucianovic, Stephanie V.W. The End of Something Wonderful: A Practical Guide to a Backyard Funeral. BL 8/19
Lukoff, Kyle. When Aidan Became a Brother. PW 4/15/19, K 4/1/19
Luyken, Corinna My Heart K 12/15/18, SLJ 2/19
Lyons, Kelly Going Down Home With Daddy K 2/15/19, SLJ 4/19
Mackintosh, David Waiting For Chicken Smith K 4/1/19
MacLachlan, Patricia. The Hundred-Year Barn. PW 5/20/19
Maillard, Kevin Noble Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story K 7/15/19, PW 8/5/19, BL 9/1/19, SLJ 10/19
Manapov, Masha. Ariba: An Old Tale About New Shoes K 10/15/19
Marcellino, Fred Arrivederci, Crocodile Or See You Later Alligator K 7/1/19
Marino, Gianna Just Like My Brother K 2/1/19
Marshall, Linda Good Night Wind K 12/15/18
Matsuoka, Tatsuhide. Jump! PW 8/12/19
McClintock, Barbara. Vroom! PW 4/15/19, BL 5/15/19, K 5/1/19
McDaniel, Breanna J. Hands Up! PW 11/5/18
McKissack, Patricia C. What Is Given from the Heart. PW 10/29/18, K 10/1/18, SLJ 2/19
McMullan, Kate. As Warm as the Sun SLJ 8/19
Meddour, Wendy Lubna and Pebble K 12/15/18, BL 3/1/19
Mello, Roger. Charcoal Boys. BL 9/1/19
Mena, Pato. La Gran fiesta de los olores. BL 8/19
Mendez, Yamile Where Are You From? K 4/15/19
Mercurio, Ishta. Small World SLJ 7/19
Messier, Mireille Treasure K 5/15/19
Meyer, William Big Breath: A Guided Meditation for Kids K 7/15/19
Millay, Edna St. Vincent Afternoon On a Hill K 2/1/19
Miller, Kelly Leigh I Am a Wolf K 3/1/19
Miniver, William. Driftwood Days K 9/15/19, PW 9/30/19
Miyakoshi, Akiko. The Piano Recital SLJ 9/19
Moore, Lindsay Sea Bear: A Journey for Survival K 10/15/18
Mora, Oge. Saturday. PW 7/1/19, BL 7/19, K 7/15/19, SLJ 10/19
Morris, Richard T. Bear Came Along. BL 3/15/19, K 4/1/19
Muhammad, Ibtihaj The Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab and Family K 7/1/19, PW 7/22/19, SLJ 9/19, v
Murguia, Bethanie Deeney The Favorite Book K 7/1/19
Myers, Matt. Hum and Swish. PW 4/8/19
Narh, Samuel Maisie's Scrapbook K 2/1/19
Newman, Leslea. Gittel's Journey: An Ellis Island Story. PW 10/29/18, BL 1/1-15/19
Newson, Karl I Am a Tiger K 6/1/19
Nielsen, Susin Princess Puffybottom... and Darryl K 10/1/18
Noakes, Polly. Hide and Seek. PW 4/1/19
Norman, Kim Give Me Back My Bones! K 5/1/19
Nyongo, Lupita. Sulwe K 8/15/19, PW 8/5/19
Oh, Joowon. Our Favorite Day SLJ 9/19
Oral, Feridun When the Moon Came Down K 3/1/19
Orbeck-Nilssen, Constance Vanishing Colors K 2/15/19
Ouyessad, Myriam The Wolf Will Not Come K 7/15/19
Paterson, Katherine. The Night of His Birth K 8/15/19, K 9/1/19
Paul, Miranda. Nine Months: Before a Baby is Born. PW 1/28/19
Pawlak, Pawel. Oscar Seeks a Friend K 7/15/19, BL 10/1/19
Peoples-Riley, Daria I Got Next K 6/1/19, SLJ 8/19
Percival, Tom Ruby Finds a Worry K 6/1/19
Perkins, Lynne Rae. Wintercake SLJ 10/19
Perkins, Mitali. Between Us and Abuela: A Family Story from the Border. PW 5/27/19
Phi, Bao. My Footprints SLJ 9/19
Picard, Valeie The Invisible Garden K 2/15/19
Pinkney, Brian. Puppy Truck SLJ 7/19
Pizzoli, Tamara Tallulah the Tooth Fairy CEO K 5/1/19
Portis, Antoinette. Hey, Water! HB 3-4/19
Poulin, Andree When You're Scared K 1/15/19
Quintero, Isabel. My Papi Has a Motorcycle. PW 3/11/19, BL 4/15/19, SLJ 5/19, HB 5-6/19
Raczka, Bob. Beware! SLJ 11/19
Raschka, Chris. The Magic Flute. BL 5/15/19
Ramos, Mario. I Am So Clever. BL 4/15/19
Ramstein, Anne-Margot Inside Outside K 2/1/19
Ransome, James E. The Bell Rang. BL 11/1/18, K 11/1/18, PW 11/19/18, HB 1-2/19
Raschka, Chris. The Magic Flute. PW 5/13/19, K 5/1/19
Raschka, Chris. Mother Goose of Pudding Lane. PW 5/27/19
Raschka, Chris. Side by Side: A Celebration of Dads. PW 2/25/19, SLJ 3/19
Raschka, Chris. Mother Goose of Pudding Lane. BL 7/19
Rash, Andy. The Happy Book and Other Feelings. BL 2/15/19
Raul The Third. Vamos! Let's Go to the Market! BCCB 3/19, HB 3-4/19
Rayner, Abigail. I Am a Thief! K 7/15/19
Rayner, Jacqueline Hats Are Not for Cats! K 5/1/19
Read, Kate. One Fox: A Counting Book Thriller K 7/15/19, SLJ 11/19
Reidy, Jean PUP 681: A Sea Otter Rescue Story K 12/15/18
Reidy, Jean Truman K 5/1/19, SLJ 7/19
Rex, Adam. Why? BL 8/19
Rex, Adam. Pluto Gets the Call. BL 9/1/19
Reynolds, Shauna LaVoy. Poetree SLJ 3/19
Rice, Clay. On the Stroke of Goodnight K 7/15/19
Richards, Dan. Once upon a Goat. BL 5/15/19
Richards, Dan Penny and Penelope K 6/1/19
Robinson, Christian. Another. PW 11/19/18, K 1/15/19, HB 3-4/19
Rose, Tiffany. M is for Malanin: A Celebration of the Black Child K 9/15/19
Rotner, Shelley Colors K 5/1/19
Ruzzier, Sergio. Good Boy. PW 11/5/18, 12/1/18, HB 1-2/19
Ryan, Candace Red Light, Green Lion K 3/15/19
Rylant, Cynthia. Motor Mouse. PW 2/4/19
Saeed, Aisha Bilal Cooks Daal K 3/1/19
Sanders, Rob. Ball and Balloon SLJ 8/19
Sarcone-Roach, Julia. There Are No Bears In This Bakery. PW 10/29/18, SLJ 12/18
Savage, Stephen. Sign Off SLJ 5/19, BL 5/1/19
Scanlon, Liz Garton. One Dark Bird. BL 6/1-15/19
Schachner, Judy. Stretchy McHandsome. BL 10/15/19
Schneider, Josh Ultrabot's First Playdate K 4/1/19
Schwartz, Amy Busy Babies K 3/1/19
Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. Why? BL 5/15/19, K 5/15/19
Shannon, David. Mr. Nogginbody Gets a Hammer. PW 7/1/19
Shea, Bob. Unicorn is Maybe Not so Great After All. BL 5/1/19, K 6/1/19
Shea, Bob. Who Wet My Pants? PW 5/27/19, K 6/1/19, BL 6/1-15/19
Silvestro, Annie. Butterfiles on the First Day of School SLJ 8/19
Sima, Jessie. Spencer's New Pet. PW 5/13/19, BL 5/15/19, K 5/15/19
Simler, Isabelle Sweet Dreamers K 2/15/19, SLJ 3/19
Simler, Isabelle My Wild Cat K 8/15/19
Smith, Heather. The Phone Booth in Mr. Hirota's Garden. BL 6/1-15/19, K 6/15/19, SLJ 9/19
Smith, Sydney. Small in the City. PW 7/8/19, K 7/15/19, SLJ 9/19, BL 9/1/19
Smouha, C.K. Sock Story K 2/1/19
Snape, Emily. Old MacDonald Had a Baby. PW 8/19/19, SLJ 11/19
Snicket, Lemony Swarm of Bees K 2/15/19
Snyder, Laurel. Charlie & Mouse Even Better. HB 5-6/19
Snyder, Laurel. Hungry Jim. PW 7/22/19
Soman, David. How to Two. BCCB 1/19, HB 3-4/19
Sorell, Traci. At the Mountain's Base SLJ 9/19, BL 11/1/19
Soussana, Nathalie. Songs in the Shade of the Cashew and Coconut Trees K 8/15/19
Stead, Philip Music for Mister Moon K 2/15/19, BL 3/15/19, SLJ 5/19
Steele, K-Fai A Normal Pig K 3/1/19, PW 3/18/19, BL 7/19
Stein, David Ezra. Hush, Little Bunny SLJ 12/18
Sterer, Gideon. Not Your Nest! PW 12/10/18
Steuerwald, Joy The Peculiar Pig K 3/15/19
Stevens, Janet & Susan Stevens Crummel. The Donkey Egg. BL 11/15/18
Stevenson, Robin. Pride Colors SLJ 2/19
Stewart, Sarah. This Book of Mine SLJ 8/19
Stutzman, Jonathan. Llama Destroys the World. PW 3/4/19, BCCB 5/19
Sullivan, Rosana. Mommy Sayang. PW 4/15/19
Sullivan, Tom Out There K 3/15/19
Surnaite, Margarita. The Lost Book
Sylvester, Kevin Gargantua (JR!) Defender of the Earth K 1/15/19
Tabor, Corey R. Snail Crossing. PW 9/30/19
Teague, Mark. Fly! PW 6/3/19, K 7/1/19, BL 7/19
Teckentrup, Britta My Little Book of Big Questions K 2/15/19
Testa, Nicole Lili Macaroni K 6/1/19
Tham, Thao. My Cat Looks like My Dad. BL 3/15/19
Thimmesh, Catherine. A Baby Like You SLJ 11/19
Thong, Roseanne Greenfield. One Is a Pinata: A Book of Numbers SLJ 3/19
Thorn, Theresa It Feels Good To Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity K 3/15/19, PW 4/1/19
Toht, Patricia. Pick a Pumpkin. BL 9/1/19
Timbaland with Christopher Myers. Nighttime Symphony. PW 2/18/19
Timmers, Leo. Monkey on the Run. PW 1/14/19
Tsarfati, Einat. The Neighbors. PW 10/8/18
Tsurumi, Andrea. Crab Cake: Turning the Tide Together. PW 10/22/18, K 10/1/18
Tullet, Herve. I Have an Idea! SLJ 3/19
Turk, Evan. You Are Home: An Ode to the National Parks. PW 3/25/19, BL 4/1/19
Uegaki, Chieri Ojiichan's Gift K 2/15/19
Underwood, Deborah Ogilvy K 3/15/19
Urberuaga, Emilio. Gilda the Giant Sheep. PW 10/8/18
Urio, Barbara Castro. Goodnight, Rainbow Cats. PW 10/14/19
Valerio, Geraldo Friends K 1/15/19
Van, Muon Thi One is a Lot (Except When It's Not) K 7/15/19
van Hout, Mies. From 1 to 10. BL 6/1-15/19
Veissid, Jacqueline. A Caspian Finds a Friend K 9/15/19
Velasquez, Eric. Octopus Stew SLJ 9/19
Vermette, Katherena The Girl and The Wolf K 12/15/18
Vilela, Fernando Along the Tapajos K 8/1/19, SLJ 11/19
Vo, Nancy The Ranger K 5/1/19
Walsh, Liam Francis. Make a Wish, Henry Bear SLJ 4/19
Wang, Holman Great Job, Mom! K 4/1/19
Ware, Marisa Where's Buddha? K 11/15/18
Weaver, Jo Little Tigers K 7/1/19
Wenxuan, Cao. Summer. PW 2/25/19
Wenzel, Brendan. A Stone Sat Still. PW 5/13/19, BL 7/19, SLJ 8/19
Wheeler, Eliza. Home in the Woods K 8/15/19, BL 9/1/19
Wild, Charlotte Sullivan. The Amazing Idea of You. PW 12/17/18
Wild, Margaret The Feather K 3/15/19
Willems, Mo. Because. PW 11/19/18, 12/1/18
Willems, Mo. The Pigeon HAS to Go to School! BL 5/1/19, K 6/1/19
Wohnoutka, Mike So Big! K 6/1/19
Wong, Liz. The Goose Egg. 12/1/18
Woodcock, Fiona. Hello. BL 4/15/19
Xiaojing, Jin I Miss My Grandpa K 6/15/19, PW 9/9/19
Yang, Kao Kalia A Map Into the World PW 8/12/19, K 8/15/19
Yoon, JooHee. Up Down Inside Out SLJ 11/19
Yoshitake, Shinsuke The Boring Book K 6/15/19
Yuly, Tomi The Whole Wide World and Me K 1/1/19
Zachariah, Abdul-Razak The Night Is Yours SLJ 7/19
Zhang, Kat Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao K 7/1/19
Zuill, Andrea. Sweety. BL 1/1-15/19
Note: The committee should keep in mind that the award is for distinguished illustrations in a picture book and for excellence of pictorial presentation for children. The award is not for didactic intent or for popularity.