These descriptions and photos are from the Historical Markers Database, documented by Clifton Patrick.
The markers at Nelson Road

1. Gladys Taylor’s Inn Marker
Inscription: Notable Inn, 1942 - 1968, of the Greenwood Lake Forest Farms Colony.
Vacation residence of African-American cultural leaders including Langston Hughes.
Erected by Greenwood Forest Farms Association.
Location. 41° 14.666′ N, 74° 15.883′ W. Marker is in Monroe, New York, in Orange County. Marker is on Nelson Rd 1.2 miles from Lakes Rd (County Route 5), on the right. Touch for map. Marker is at or near this postal address: 203 Nelson Rd, Monroe NY 10950, United States of America. Touch for directions.

2. "The Colony" Marker
Inscription: Founded in 1919 by Sterling Forest Farms Corporation as the first African-American vacation community in New York State.
Erected by Greenwood Forest Farms Association.
Location. 41° 14.592′ N, 74° 15.85′ W. Marker is in Warwick, New York, in Orange County. Marker is at the intersection of Nelson Rd and Cooper Rd., on the right when traveling south on Nelson Rd. Touch for map. Marker is at or near this postal address: 193 Nelson Rd, Monroe NY 10950, United States of America.