Online Databases: Children's
- Ellis Island byISBN: 1438128134
- How Do Islands Form? byISBN: 143812807x
- Statue of Liberty byISBN: 1438128185
Animals and Plants
- Ant byISBN: 9781438132976
- Bee byISBN: 9781438134420
- Butterfly byISBN: 9781438134437
- How Do Plants Get Food? byISBN: 1438128991
- In Rivers, Lakes, and Ponds byISBN: 9781438133683
- In the Backyard byISBN: 1438132476
- In the Ocean byISBN: 9781438134680
- Spider byISBN: 1438132255
- ComicsPlus Kids CollectionUnlimited Access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga from more than 100 publishers. All available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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- Colonial America : costume and fashion byISBN: 1438127286
- Colonial America, 1543-1763 byISBN: 9781438127750
- Salem Witch Trials byISBN: 143813813x
- Biofuels byISBN: 1438132190
- Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas byISBN: 9781438132204
- Geothermal Energy byISBN: 9781438132914
- How Do Cell Phones Work? byISBN: 1438128053
- How Do Solar Panels Work? byISBN: 1438128088
- How Does a Spacecraft Reach the Moon? byISBN: 1438129009
- Hydrogen Fuel byISBN: 1438132212
- Nuclear Power byISBN: 9781438132228
- Solar PowerISBN: 143813164x
- Water Power byISBN: 1438132239
- Wind Power byISBN: 9781438131658