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RCLS: ILS Services: Ongoing Issues

Ongoing Issues

  Status Description
23 Open Libraries with branches cannot edit branch items with their normal login. They've been given temporary logins while this bug is fixed.
24 Open Envisionware is not correctly blocking access to patrons with No Internet Access selected.
25 Open Holds are not fulfilling holds.  Holds are being checked out, but the hold stays on account as a request. This happens when Non-holdable items are used to fill holds. Examples include Local Holds item types (when checked out to non-local patrons) or items with any damaged status (including bindery or repair).
37 Open Known Bug:  'Availability' is essentially looking for whether something is checked out, so even if something is not actually available for a patron to check out (for instance, not for loan items, in transit, damaged), the availability filter will not exclude that bib. Additionally, in some circumstances -e.g., items being on hold - they won't show as unavailable in the Location column.
41 Open Some titles in Aspen Discovery show "No Copies" in the copies dropdown, though copies are visible using the Where Is It link. Patrons can still place holds on these items and see where they are located in the library, but the message is confusing.


Resolved Issues

Status Description
1 Resolved 8/9/24 Reading history for some users did not migrate to Aspen.

Resolved 8/8/24

Replacement Price has been populated, using the Item Price. Items assigned a LOST status will now bill the correct amount.  Items migrated with a LONGOVERDUE/LOST charge may require price adjustment and writeoff on the Accounting screen.
3 Resolved all expired holds should appear correctly in the Holds waiting past their expiration date tab
4 Resolved Holds history has been reloaded. View this on a patron account by selecting Holds history in the left-hand menu. This information is kept for 45 days.
5 Resolved Removed some placeholder data that had been penned in the "Guarantor" field, and some non-authorized collection codes
6 Resolved 8/8/24 Aspen Discovery is showing Hold Position
7 Resolved 8/10/24 Record-Level Item Type column from the check in table. Record level item type does not affect circulation and is not relevant to that table.

Resolved 8/19/24

Accession (purchased/added) dates are wrong.
9 Resolved 8/19/24 SMS via MessageBee still sometimes fail.
10 Resolved 8/19/24 Aspen Team has reported that the indexer, responsible for updating item status, has caught up with our initial migration load
11 Resolved 8/21/24

Seeking clarification on why emails are receiving extra copies of their print notices in their inboxes. The emailed versions are redundant with the notices found in Access Files. These will not longer be emailed.

12 Resolved 8/21/24

Some issues with phone notifications. Too many concurrent calls error. Should be resolved but waiting to watch the error logs for a few more days. Error log is clear again today.

13 Resolved 8/21/24

Some patrons were incorrectly assigned the Seniors label.  These patrons were changed back. The Adult -> Senior automatic cron has been adjusted to prevent this error.

14 Resolved 8/21/24

Item templates created before migration cannot be edited. See Alex's allrcls email from 8/20/24.

15 Mostly Resolved 8/21/24

Claims returned items generating fines. Libraries running into this can write off the fine and manually put the item into claims returned (button on the right of the checkout table). Data Librarian has put these into the Koha Claims Returned table. Items that were already billed can be handled with the above instructions.

16 Mostly Resolved 8/21/24

Some Large Print books are intermingled with regular print books in Aspen. Items with Large Print item types or Large Print Shelving Locations are now being correctly split. Aspen devs are aware of a bug that prevents items not using either to display as "Book" despite belonging to a Large Print bibliographic record.


Resolved 8/21/24

Holds not unsuspending.
18 Resolved 8/21/24 Emailed checkout receipt has been formatted to be less, and I quote, hideous
19 Resolved 8/23/24 Items marked as Withdrawn status not checking in.
20 Resolved 8/23/24 Museum Pass Item Type, not being charged Late fine. Certain miscellaneous Item-Types were not charging fines, but are now properly coded.

Unresolved 8/26/24

Suggestion: Can the Patron Note in RED re: Patron Profile be removed? This cannot be done without removing other necessary alerts. Not currently possible and would require a development request.
22 Resolved 8/27/24 "Damaged Item" added to dropdown of options on Manual Invoice.
38 Resolved 8/30/24 Can FAX be added to Point of Sale? Yes. Added to requesting library.
35 Resolved 9/11/24 Library Staff member accounts are incorrectly being charged fines.
40 Resolved 9/17/24 Senior profile cards are incorrectly accruing fines.
26 Resolved 9/16/24 This is the ticket about the Aspen Indexer not completely keeping pace with changes in Koha.
27 Resolved 11/20/24 Some records were split into multiples even when the # of items attached were well below the 500 item limit. Catalogers have fixed these records, merging where necessary.
28 Resolved 10/25/24 Multiple copies of items are being selected to fill holds. This will cause some libraries to pull a hold, but it has been filled by the time they get to the desk. Patched and QA'd by ByWater Solutions. Bug 38126.
29 Resolved 11/20/24 Errors Placing Holds in RCLS Go. Placing holds in RCLS Go sometimes produces an error 400 or an error 500. These holds can be successfully placed by staff in Koha. The issue is present in Aspen too. Fixed with Aspen and LiDA update 24.11.
30 Resolved 10/1/24 "Title as Phrase" Search Not Working. Search for common titles using keyword search and include the last name of the author along with the title keywords. This item is as resolved as it can be. The elasticsearch results have had their weight adjusted.
31 Resolved 10/1/24 Report 91 doesn't return expected Results. BWS Support is working on an updated Detailed Cash Report.  Resolved by Report 119.
32 Resolved 11/20/24 Some periodicals records are not exporting properly from Symphony. Koha record is incomplete and/or incorrect. This needed to be fixed manually. Libraries were advised on how to address the issues with these periodicals.
33 Resolved 11/20/24

'New' banners that typically appear in Aspen Discovery are temporarily turned off. 

New banners are re-enabled.

34 Resolved 10/5/24 Aspen Admin accounts are turned off while the BWS team does a lot of background work in Aspen. While we wait, we can streamline our logins by assigning Aspen permissions to our Koha logins. This would mean one less credential to remember. Email Alex at alex@rcls.org directly with the subject line "Aspen Admin" and include the Aspen Administrator account you used to use along with your current Koha username and I'll set these up. You'll then be able to log into both Aspen and Koha using the same info once access is turned on.
36 Resolved 9/16/24 Migrated bills missing bill notes. Many have been added. If you have an undescribed bill, check with Martha at msullivan@rcls.org to see if it's on her list. These will continue to decrease over time.
39 Resolved 11/20/24 Staff cards cannot be used to log into 3rd party apps and services that are authenticated with libraries' 5-digit prefix. -- Clarification sent to RUG--vendors require test patron cards that need to remain on file. It is OK to share these test cards with staff to access such products as long as physical library materials are not checked out using them.
42 Resolved 02/12/25 Custom search facets, "All Print Item Types," "All Audiobooks," etc. are returning an error.

Request Form

Reports: Coming Soon

Purchase Alert - Report 148
Purchase Alert (0 Copies)
List Transits From - Report 196
List Transits To - Report 196
User Count by User Profile - Report 122
User List with Notes - Report 194
User List by Municipality - Report 145
Blocked Users - Report 197
Unpaid LOST Bills of Users of Specified Library - Report 198
Last Copy Items - Report 199
List Charges Previous Day - Report 195
Holds by Hold Library - Report 200
Direct Access Report - Report 204

Reports Coming Later

User Reports Resident/Non-Resident
Items with No Price - Report 123
Items with No Replacement Price - Report 140
Bill Payment Detail by Month/Year
Previous Quarter Missing items
Previous Quarter Lost items
User List of Expired Users