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RCLS: ILS Services: Aspen Discovery

About Aspen

Aspen Discovery is a discovery layer (public facing catalog) that is slated to fully replace our current discovery layer, Enterprise, by September of 2023. Some member libraries are already using Aspen exclusively, or alongside Enterprise. Aspen combines our library catalog with e-content, digital archives, and enrichment from the major third-party providers. It also improves relevancy and ease of use, provides native reading recommendations, and displays all formats of titles within one result called a Grouped Work.

Answers to many questions about Aspen Discovery can be found in their Online Help Center, which is freely accessible.

Forming Aspen URLs

The easiest way to get an Aspen URL is to perform your desired search or navigate to the desired record and then copy the URL that appears in the address bar. Depending on where you want to send the patron, the URL will look a little different. Here are 3 examples using The Last Policeman:

Sending Patrons to a Search 

The URL for sending patrons to a pre-filled search looks like this:


You could construct this URL manually by replacing the "ramapo" with your own library's aspen subdomain and replacing "the" "last" and "policeman" with your desired search terms, separated by plus signs.

Sending Patrons to a Grouped Work

A grouped work contains items with the same title, but in different formats such as paper book, audiobook, and electronic formats. It looks like this:


The grouped work ID is an internal ID in Aspen, so unless we know it ahead of time we cannot construct this URL manually. Best practice is to navigate to this page in Aspen and copy what appears in the address bar.