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If you are a designated "Firstliner"

If your director has designated you as a "firstliner" for the Koha Trainings, congratulations! You will have the opportunity to work with RCLS and ByWater staff to get an immersive look at all the functionality of the Koha ILS system. You will get a comprehensive training, so you know the new system better than you knew the old system. Then, we will be counting on you to help your co-workers get trained. You will be the "first line" when your co-workers need help. (Though, don't worry, we'll be here to help too!)

Summary of training sessions for FIRSTLINERS:

Week of April 22nd: Pre-recorded Koha Training

Tuesday April 30th: Webinar with ByWater Solutions Trainers: Click here to join the Zoom on 4/30 at 10am

Thursday, May 30th: 3 hour IN-PERSON Firstliner Q&A with Alex and Myka @RCLS

Week of June 4th: 8 hour IN-PERSON Firstliner training with ByWater Solutions Trainers

Week of June 17th: 4-hour IN-PERSON Circulation Module Training with ByWater Solutions Trainers OPTIONAL FOR FIRSTLINERS

Week of July 8th: Full Day IN-PERSON Reference, Technical Services, and Acquisitions Module training with ByWater Solutions Trainers OPTIONAL FOR FIRSTLINERS


Click here for more details, and to register for your preferred sessions.


 If you are not a designated "Firstliner"


We have trainings for you too!

Do you work in Circulation?

Sign up here for one of the half day circulation module trainings.


Do you work in Reference or Technical Services?

Sign up here for one of the half day reference and technical services module trainings.


Do you want to learn the Koha Acquisitions Module?

Sign up here for one of the ACQ module trainings.