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Marketing Services: EMAIL MARKETING


Email marketing is a fantastic way to directly reach many of your customers when they are not in the library. If you don’t already, the best starting point is to collect contact information when and wherever possible. Always check your library's privacy policies prior to starting any data project. The basic techniques include: Library Card Sign Ups, Surveys, ILS Data, Collecting Information at Events, and referencing already stored data (excel, CRM, etc.)

As you continue to collect contact information, services like LibraryAware, Constant Contact, and MailChimp  will allow you to create specific lists of contacts, i.e., local teachers, legislators, job seekers, etc. Then, whenever you have information to share, you can blast personalized emails to all or some of your lists with the click of a button. Additionally, many of these services will track your email’s open and click rates, and many other metrics.

Different Types of Marketing Emails