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2023 Annual Report Guide: 10 - Trustees

RCLS Helpful Hints


02/14/24 Update:  Most likely your library will receive this edit check on question 10.2, 10.3 and/or 10.4 regardless of the answer submitted. 
Warning icon This entry differs from last year's entry. Please enter value as it was entered last year or explain in a Note the reason for the change.

      This is a system glitch.  RCLS recommends an answer of N/A with the following note: This answer is correct.

This section has changed since last year!
The number of questions about the board has been condensed for simplicity. 
10.6 The question about trustee training is now included in the first part of the trustee section and addresses Trustees who were serving at 12/31/2023. (You will no longer have to answer and list individual trustees' training.)  10.6 states I attest that all trustees participated in trustee education in the last calendar year (2023). If entering No, provide explanation in a Note. 


In the next part of the trustee section, list all Officers and Trustees who are serving as of 02/01/2024
We strongly suggest that you add each trustee's information in the repeating groups on the annual report survey itself instead of sending a spreadsheet to Baker & Taylor. Though you are given the choice of sending a spreadsheet of all trustees to Baker & Taylor for upload to the annual report survey, we have seen many troubles when that method is used. 

If you do choose to send a spreadsheet to Baker & Taylor, please send us a copy at RCLS as well so that we can confirm that it was uploaded correctly to your annual report survey. 

Trustee questions have been renumbered, simplified, and are pre-filled with last year's trustees and their information. Keep the order so that when looking at the printed comparison between last year and this year, the trustees terms will be lined up correctly. 
Trustees' pre-filled information may have to be updated to reflect new terms and new oath dates. 
You may update with any new trustees by replacing an old member with the new trustee's information.

*The Board President section was removed, so you do have to enter that information in a new repeating group. If a previous trustee that is already listed has now become president, you just have to change their position in the pre-filled repeating group. 


10.13 for each trustee -  Is this trustee serving a full-term?  If No, add a Note. The Note should identify the previous trustee whose unexpired term is being filled and should identify the beginning and ending date of the previous trustee’s term.

Example: Trustee Jones is filling the remainder of Joe Smith's term, which was to run from [beginning date] to [ending date.]

10.16 - 10.20 and Questions 9-13 (Trustee Term Beginning/Ending Dates)

Indicate the beginning and end dates of the trustee's term.

If a new trustee is filling a partial term, the end date (year) may be different depending on the type of library and the method of trustee selection (election or appointment). Typically all trustees that have full terms should have terms that start in the same month (with differing years) and end in the same month (with differing years) (e.g. if the terms are based on the calendar year all trustees would have terms beginning in January and ending in December; the months should not vary from trustee to trustee if they are serving full terms).

RCLS continues to track all Continuing Education attendance only for RCLS-sponsored programs.  Tracking non-RCLS programs is the responsibility of the Board President or Library Director.