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2023 Annual Report Guide: 2 & 4 - Library Collections & Library Transactions

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For help with the ILS and Electronic Resources reports, please contact:
Alex Carver:    alex@rcls.org     or      Martha Sullivan:     msullivan@rcls.org

RCLS Helpful Hints - Section 2


Total holdings in all categories reported must be less than or equal to the previous year’s holdings PLUS additions to holdings.  You will get an edit check if it does not.

Jun-Jul libraries – report were run from Symphony on or near 06/30/2023
Jan-Dec libraries – report were run from Symphony on or near 12/31/2023

Refer to the DLD instructions for an explanation of what type of materials should be included in each holding category.  

2.1 – 2.10 Print Materials: Filled out using the totals from Item Count by State Categories report. For Adult total, add together ADULT and TEEN columns.

2.8 Total Uncataloged Books: Total counts of unbarcoded books, otherwise leave at 0. Use Symphony’s OTHERPRINT count on 2.10 for print material such as pamphlets and paper government documents.  

     2.13 Electronic Books: 66,737 (Overdrive Ebooks). This is the number of system-wide Ebook copies as of 
    12/31/2023. This number does NOT include your Advantage Shared purchases.

To this number, add counts from your Overdrive Advantage Ebook purchases. RCLSHQ does not have access to individual member-library Advantage counts—they can be obtained from a report run in your library’s Overdrive Marketplace account (the same interface you use to order Advantage titles.) It is found under Insights on the first page under Summary, Holdings - check the box for Advantage Collections. Use the count of Ebook Copies from the first line only. Make sure your Holdings End Date is updated.

You can use the following wording for the edit check: "In 2023, eContent purchasers prioritized cost-effective lending models that have become more widely available. This has increased the count of standard copies available in the digital collection."

What About Cost-Per-Circ Advantage Titles? If your library utilizes the Cost Per Circ lending model in Overdrive Advantage, the DLD has provided the following guidance: "For Cost Per Circ items, each borrow is counted both as a borrow and as an item in the collection, just as we are currently reporting Hoopla borrows. So that same number goes in both 2.13 and 4.12." CPC numbers are included in your Advantage circulation numbers by default.

     2.14 Local Electronic Collections: 10*  (Last year the count was 9 - Tutor.com was added this year.) These are system-wide databases funded by RCLS Central Library including the pool-funded Consumer Reports and NicheAcademy.

   *There are five libraries that do not provide Consumer Reports - their local electronic collections count is decreased by 1. 
  *There are eleven libraries that do not provide Tutor.com - their local electronic collections count is decreased by 1. 

   To this number add any non-system-wide databases your library subscribes to. To get this count, go to your Library
   Databases LibGuide. From the A-Z Databases tab, count the databases that say they were funded by your library. Do not
   count free databases.

          Example of a database that you may count:  Ancestry Library Edition: Funded by Albert Wisner Library

You CAN count Freegal, Hoopla, Freading, Zinio, Tumblebooks, and IndieFlix as electronic collections if you license them. See Database Count Guidelines worksheet below - furnished by RCLS.

2.17 Audio - Downloadable Units28,606  (system-wide Overdrive audiobook and music copies). 
To this number, add counts from your Overdrive Advantage audiobook purchases. RCLSHQ does not have access to individual member-library Advantage counts. Log into your library’s Overdrive Marketplace account (the same interface you use to order Advantage titles.)  Under Summary  >Insights on the first page and run the  Holdings report - check the box for Advantage Collections. Use the count of Audiobook Copies onlyMake sure your Holdings End Date is updated.

      2.18 Video - Downloadable Units(system-wide Overdrive video copies). 
If you need a note for an Edit Check: The System's count of 511 units in 2021 expired and the Overdrive video format is no longer available. 

Add counts from your Overdrive Advantage video purchases. RCLSHQ does not have access to individual member-library Advantage counts—they can be obtained from a report run in your library’s Overdrive Marketplace account (the same interface you use to order Advantage titles.) It is found under Insights on the first page: Current Holdings - check the box for Advantage Collections. Use the count of Video Copies onlyMake sure your Holdings End Date is updated.

      2.19 Other Electronic Materials238,106 (this is the number of web-based government documents and
   other web-based full-text titles for which we added MARC records to the ANSER database PLUS Overdrive Magazine titles (5,383)

2.21 Your count of Audio - Found on the Item Count by State Categories report: Add together AUDIODIG & AUDIOMED statistics.

2.22 Your count of Video - Found on the Item Count by State Categories report: Add together VIDEODIG & VIDEOMED statistics.

2.23 Other Circulating Physical Items - Found in the Item Count by State Categories report: Add OTHERAV & UNKNOWN / all circulating physical items other than print books, physical audio units, physical video units, and serials. These are materials in a fixed, physical format available for use outside the library. These can include a variety of items types,such as wi–fi hotspots, sewing machines, cake pans, tools, etc.


***2.24 You may notice that last year's Total Other Materials - Non-Electronic answer is completely off from the actual addition of last year's 2.21, 2.22, & 2.23. There is no need for a note. Last year's submitted answer was correct. ***

2.26, 2.27 &
2.29 Additions to Holdings: Use Previous Year Item Added report.   

2.26 Add together the total FICTBOOK and NONFBOOK books

2.27 Add Serials, OTHERPRINT and any UNCAT books 

2.28 Electronic Materials: 24,054  (17,255 system-wide Overdrive + 6,799 gov.docs).   

To this add your Overdrive Advantage copies purchased in past year. You can get that in your Overdrive Marketplace account under Insights->Purchase & Order Reports>Purchased Titles Summary. Set the beginning and end dates for your reporting year. Look for the “Standard copies purchased" count.

The large jump in system-wide Overdrive copies this year compared to last year (7,950) is due to the wider availability of the Concurrent Users lending model. Titles purchased under this model provide 100 standard copies versus 1 when purchased under the traditional OC/OU model. You can use the following wording for the edit check: "In 2023, eContent purchasers prioritized cost-effective lending models that have become more widely available. This has increased the count of standard copies available in the digital collection."

2.29 Add together all other materials that may include among others AUDIOMED, VIDEOMED, OTHERAV, OTHERELEC, UNKNOWN


RCLS Helpful Hints - Section 4


Use the Previous Year Circ by State Categories report from your Symphony report packet to complete 4.l – 4.9 Cataloged Book Circulation: Add together ADULT and TEEN for Adult total.

4.8 Circulation of Adult Other Materials: Add the ADULT and TEEN: AUDIODIG, AUDIOMED, OTHERAV, OTHERELEC, OTHERPRINT, SERIALS, UNCAT, and VIDEOMED together.

4.9 Circulation of Children’s Other Materials: Add the JUVENILE: AUDIODIG, AUDIOMED, OTHERAV, OTHERELEC, OTHERPRINT, SERIALS, UNCAT, and VIDEOMED together.

The definition of “Library Transactions” does not include: 

  • Items sent to another autonomous library as interlibrary.
  • Items sent from one outlet of the reporting library to another, i.e., from main library to a branch  

      4.12 Use of Electronic Materials: Enter the total found on the OverDrive Marketplace Circulation Activity report from the OverDrive report in the Database Reports box below. If your library utilizes the Cost Per Circ model in Overdrive Advantage, see question 2.13 for more information. If you license Freading or Hoopla, you may add those checkout counts.  Here is a helpful chart to count retrievals for other databases: 



4.13 Successful Retrieval of Electronic Information: Add together Document Retrieval totals from all provided vendor reports. System-wide database vendor reports for Consumer Reports, Gale, EBSCO, Britannica, and ComicsPlus are being provided on master spreadsheets SEPARATELY from your library packets in a box below - find your library and stats from each spreadsheet and add them together.  Then add any of your own library's licensed database retrievals which may include Zinio, RefSolutions, LinkedIn Learning, Ancestry, and more. Count retrievals, not views or visits - Consumer Reports is the exception to this rule. CR's administrative backend uses the term Page Views to describe what other databases term Retrievals. BrainFuse, JobNow, Tutor.com, and Mango Languages do not offer usage reports that indicate retrievals—they indicate sessions and time within sessions. As of now, there is no place on the State Annual Reports to include these figures.

According to NYS, the reason for not counting, for example, Hoopla titles individually is .... when you're licensing Hoopla, you're licensing an entire catalog, i.e. you do not select and purchase individual titles.

4.21 & 4.22 Interlibrary Loans: Use the totals at end of the Previous Year ILL Loans and Previous Year ILL Borrows reports included in your Symphony reports packet found below.  

  • Add your SEAL Borrow and Loan report totals, plus
  • Add any Electronic ILLs that you may have processed in 2023.
  • Add OCLC transactions that you have completed.