RCLS MS Entra / Email Services: Home
Outlook web login
We are in the process of updating MS365 to its new name, MS Entra. Microsoft recently changed the name of their service from MS365 to MS Entra.
Login to your MS Entra Email account at Outlook: https://outlook.office.com
Welcome to RCLS Email Services
Member libraries may obtain email service through their participation in the Ramapo Catskill Library System (RCLS). Email accounts ending in the domain name "@rcls.org" are provided to member library staff (full or part-time) and trustees to facilitate communication between and among library staff and trustees within a library and between libraries and for conducting library business; accounts are for library business only.
Forms found on the MS Entra Account Requests tab of this LibGuide are available for directors or their designees to request a new or delete an existing Email address for library staff & trustees. Use this quick form to designate a library staff person who should have authority to request the creation or deletion of accounts.
RCLS sets up and maintains "email lists" in Microsoft Entra referred to as "distribution group or groups" for specific groups of users with a common purpose. For example, the group "allrcls" is intended to provide all RCLS email users the ability to exchange, share and request information related to library programs and services from the staff at other libraries. Forms for subscribing or unsubscribing to distribution groups are also found on the MS Entra Account Requests tab.
Directors or designees, Click here to choose a request form.