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Video Book Talks: People and Works Consulted

Thank You!

Thank you to the public librarians, school librarians, and classroom teachers consulted to create this guide.

Works Consulted

Batchelor, K. E., & Cassidy, R. (2019). The lost art of the book talk: What students want. The Reading Teacher, 73(2), 230-234.

Bixler, J., Smith, S., & Henderson, S. (2013). Inviting teacher candidates into book talks: Supporting a culture of lifelong reading. Reading Horizons, 52(3), 233-254.

Brighton West Video. (2020, March 4). How to set metadata on YouTube [Video]. YouTube.

Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2018). Raise reading volume through access, choice, discussion, and book talks. The Reading Teacher, 72(1), 89-97.

Jones, P. (1992). Don't tell, sell: Putting hooks in your booktalks. In J. R. Bodart (Author), Booktalk! 4: Selections from the booktalker for all ages and audiences (pp. 5-8). H.W. Wilson.

Littlejohn, C. (2000). Keep talking that book!: Booktalks to promote reading. Worthington, Ohio: Linworth.

Schreiber, M. (2020). School book buzz: A professional development collaboration. Children & Libraries, 18(1), 14-16.">10.5860/cal.18.1.14

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Works protected by copyright were used in the creation of this guide. The terms of all licenses were followed to the best of our ability. Further use is prohibited.