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JOHN HATHORN'S REVOLUTIONARY LEGACY by S. Gardner: Regiment Formation and Companies

Gen. John Hathorn of Warwick, NY led the local militia and served on the first Congress of the United States. Learn about John and his wife Elizabeth Welling.

Regiment Companies and Officers

From Ruttenber & Clark's History of Orange County, p. 48

Col. Hathorn's Regiment:

Warwick Company

1775--Charles Beardsley, captain; Richard Welling and Samuel Lobdell, lieutenants; John Price, ensign.  1776--John Minthorn, captain, vice Beardsley, deceased; Nathanl. Ketcham and George Vance, lieutenants; John Benedict, ensign.

Pond Company

1775--Henry Wisner, Jr., captain; Abm. Dolson, Jr. and Peter Bartholf, lieutenants; Matthew Dolson, ensign. 

1776--Abm. Dolson, Jr., captain; Peter Bartholf and John Hopper, lieutenants; Mathias Dolson, ensign.

1777-Peter Bartholf, captain; John De Bow and Anthony Finn, lieutenants; Joseph Jewell, ensign.

Sterling Company

1776--John Norman, captain; Solomon Finch and William Fitzgerald, lieutenants; Elisha Bennett, ensign.

1777--Henry Townsend, captain; William Fitzgerald and Elisha Bennett, lieutenants; Joseph Conkling, ensign.

Florida Company

1775--Nathaniel Elmer, captain; John Popino, Jr., and John Sayre, lieutenants; Richard Bailey, ensign.

1776-John Kennedy, lieutenant, vice Popino.

1777--John Sayre, captain; John Kennedy and Richard Bailey, lieutenants; John Wood, ensign.

Wantage Company

1775-Daniel Rosenkrans, captain; James clark and Jacob Gale, lieutenants; Samuel Cole, ensign.

Formation of the Goshen Regiments