Important News Regarding FDO Essential and Go for the GOLD
Candid has now ended their Covid-era program of remote access to FDO Essential. However, if your nonprofit qualifies, you may still be able to gain access through a new program they are offering.
Candid, formed from the merger of Foundation Center and Guidestar, is not only focused on providing information about grants opportunities for non-profits, but also aims at increasing transparency in the philanthropic world in general. To further this goal, they have created a system of Seals of Transparency, which make information about your nonprofit easily available to potential donors.
Candid’s Go for the Gold program offers one free year of access to FDO Essential to any nonprofit with an annual budget of less than $1M, if it earns a Gold Seal of transparency.(or higher) Just click on the link for details.
If you have questions you can email us at
For further Information about grants and other resources available to non-profits and small businesses, please visit our Guide to Grant Resources.