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COVID-19 Resources: Social Services


NYS COVID-19 Hotline                                                    1- 888-364-3065 (open 24 hours)

Emotional Support Hotline:                                                844-863-9314

Orange County Crisis Mobile Response Team                 1-888-750-2266

(ACCESS Supports for Living)

Orange County Crisis Hotline                                            311/ or call 1-800-832-1200

food, mental health, substance abuse and other needs)    

Orange County Health Hotline:                                          1-845-291-2330

(open 9am-5pm)

Suicide Prevention Hotline                                                 988                                                                          

Text-4-Teen: A Teen to Teen text support  Hotline              845-391-1000

(Mental Health Resource for Teens)

United Way 2-1-1                                                                2-1-1

(Referrals to a variety of local resources)                           1-800-899-1479

Childcare Council of Orange County, Inc.                           845-294-4012

Childcare referral line                                                         1-844-461-4689

Multi-service Agencies

Health Agencies

Local Resources

 Access Supports for Living-Walk in Clinic in                   845-562-7244

Newburgh, NY (Mental health clinic)

Central Hudson                                                                845-452-2700

Cornerstone Family Health Center                                  845-563-8000

Department of Social Services                                         845-291-4000

(Emergency housing, SNAP, HEAP, Medicaid,

and other community resources)

Independent Living                                                           845-565-1162

(Mental health and other human services supports)

Maternal-Infant Services Network (MISN)                         845-637-7205

Orange and Rockland                                                        877-434-4100

Orange County Department of Mental Health                   845-291-2600

Orange County Office for the Aging                                  845-615-3700

If you do not get an answer, please call the office director on her cell phone at 845-344-7510

Senior Food                                                                       845-615-370