Using Ancestry Library Edition: Card Catalog
For use in library only.
Card Catalog
Ancestry Library Edition contains more than 8,000 individual data collections from all over the world. Each collection has been indexed, is searchable, and has a card catalog record. So if you are curious about what is included in Ancestry Library Edition:
- Hover your mouse over the Search tab.
- Click on "Card Catalog" in the drop-down menu that appears to view the complete list of all data collections.
- Use the Search Titles box to enter title or keyword* terms to locate specific data collections.
- Use the filters on the left side of the page to view specific information:
- Collection (i.e., record types)
- Location
- Dates
- Languages
- Click on the title of a collection of interest to be redirected to the collection specific search page.
Resort the list by Popularity, Database Title, Date Updated, Date Added, or Record Count.
*The Keyword field searches the title and collection description.