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Chapters: Upcoming Schedule

A literary free-for-all book discussion group.

Coming up...

Take a peek at what we'll be reading next. We hope you will read with us!

Mars Room by Rachel Kushner March 11th @7:15pm

Register for the Zoom information for the discussion of The Mars Room by Rachel Kushner or come join us in person on March 11th at 7:15pm

Dr. No by Percival Everett April 8th @7:15pm

Register for the Zoom information for the discussion of Dr. No by Percival Everett come join us in person on April 8th at 7:15pm

Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine May 13th at 7:15pm

Register for the Zoom information for the discussion of Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine or come join us in person on May 13th at 7:15pm