Youth Services Professional Collection: Collection Development
Collection Development References
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Books about Collection Development in the Library
The Newbery and Caldecott Awards by
ISBN: 9780838936023Updated to include the 2013 award and honor books, The Newbery and Caldecott Awards: A Guide to the Medal and Honor Books, 2013 Edition gathers together the books deemed most distinguished in American children's literature and illustration since the inception of the renowned prizes. Librarians and teachers everywhere rely on this guidebook for quick reference and collection development and also as a resource for curriculum links and readers' advisory. With an easy-to-use streamlined look and format, the 2013 guide features A new essay by Ellen Fader, former ALSC president, on the 75th anniversary of the Caldecott Explanations of criteria used to select the winners Updated bibliographic citations and indexes for the award winners This perennial guide for locating information about the best in children's books is valuable for every collection.Building a Core Print Collection for Preschoolers by
ISBN: 9780838912195Publication Date: 2014-05-01Since children develop the critical language and early reading skills necessary to enter kindergarten between birth and age five, reading aloud is one of the most influential steps librarians, teachers, parents, and caregivers can take to foster preschoolers' literacy skills. Early exposure to books heavily influences vocabulary knowledge, which in turn improves later reading skills and helps foster lifelong literacy. HIghlighting more than 300 birth-kindergarten titles, Bailey offers a hand-picked selectioShared Collections by
ISBN: 9780838914038Publication Date: 2016-02-01Libraries and the organizations that provide services to them are devoting more attention to system-wide organization of collections-whether the "system" is a consortium, a region or a country. As a strategy for saving space and money while expanding access to additional materials and resources, the value of shared collections is indubitable. This collected volume from the Association of Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) spotlights the histories and experiences of several collaborations at academic libraries. Contributors share winning strategies for intentional decision-making in developing and managing shared collections, both print and digital, with expert guidance such as: analysis of six consortia case studies, ranging from giants like CIC and CARL to regional collaborations like the State of Maine and Manhattan research libraries elements to address in a memo of understanding among participating institutions risk assessment methodologies that enable institutions to focus local resources where they will provide the greatest return; and costs to anticipate for budgeting, such as collection analysis, space, validation, transport, staff, and administration. With practical advice on issues such as governance and business models, demand driven acquisition, rare works, and access, this monograph is a valuable resource for academic library directors, administrators, and collection development leaders.Building and Managing E-Book Collections by
ISBN: 9781555707767Publication Date: 2012-08-01Are you looking for a best practices guide to developing policies and procedures for acquisition, purchase, collection development, cataloging, and retention of e-books? Beginning with a short history of e-books and a review of the e- book publishing industry and its effect on library's selection and budget process, this how-to provides a thorough treatment of collection development issues, including the selection process and development policies, the use of approval plans, patron-driven acquisition, and practical solutions for creating your e-book collection policies. Chapters on budgeting and licensing covers ownership versus leasing models, the differences in licensing options from the major publishers and aggregators including information on digital rights management, and strategies for success in retention, access, and budgeting. The cataloging and selection chapters are the largest in the book. The "selecting e-books" chapter discusses: * e-book purchasing models * file formats and publisher/aggregator e-book platforms8 * an examination of display devices (e-readers) The technical and access services section gives you: * Best practices in cataloging e-books to include metadata. * Insight on incorporating value added features such as adding excerpts from the text, book covers, and links to related resources. * Guidance on library web page and online catalog access. * Assessment and evaluation strategies through circulation statistics, print collection selection and usage, and user satisfaction. You'll also gain valuable insight on the e-book's impact on the publishing industry, scholarly communication, and its integration into future technologies and social media. Offering multiple perspectives from electronic resource professionals at world-renowned libraries such as Harvard, the University of Michigan, Duke, and Northeastern, this book provides a comprehensive and well-rounded e-book education. Success stories highlight eaCollection Management for Youth by
ISBN: 9780838908945Publication Date: 2005-05-01Effective collection management is no longer just about having the best collection. As education shifts to a learner-centered environment, collection development must address the dynamic interplay between all stakeholders in the wider school community. Drawing from the latest educational theory and research, Hughes-Hassell and Mancall recommend a plan to build and maintain a solid collection in the midst of radical flux, while meeting students' information needs in a holistic context. Connecting to the guidelines of Information Power, the premier learner-focused model for library media centers, Collection Management for Youth is grounded in educational theory to help relate the whys with the hows. The authors pose a challenge to school library media specialists and supervisors, youth librarians in public libraries, and educators: Given these tools, are you willing to become learner-centered collection managers, to wear the hats of change agents, leaders, learners, and research guides? collections that meet the changing needs of learners; Address a dynamic educational process and ever-changing resource base; Become an informed teacher and information guide; Tap into the school's broadest learning community to build partnerships; Addressing both real and virtual information sources, this must-have manual is filled with eleven field-tested tools to encourage collaboration and help put the concepts to work.Thinking Outside the Book by
ISBN: 9781591580591Publication Date: 2004-02-28Expand your teen collection beyond traditional print into exciting alternatives that will appeal to teens. Top YA librarians share their expertise on how to defy limits and create the kind of collection that appeals to the diverse range of today's teens. You'll find valuable guidelines and tips on how to broaden and enliven your collection with graphic novels, magazines (and zines), audiobooks, video, music, interactive software and games, and more; you'll also learn how to harness the power of the Internet, establish a virtual collection, and discover options for shelving and displaying these alternative media.Developing Library and Information Center Collections by
ISBN: 9781563088322Publication Date: 1999-12-15This new work addresses the challenges of electronic publishing and puts issues of collection development into perspective, providing a broad understanding of the collection development process. The book covers all phases of collection development-from needs assessment, policies, and the selection process (theory and practice) to publishers, serials, protection, legal issues, and censorship and intellectual freedom.Picturing the World by
ISBN: 9780838911266Publication Date: 2012-07-01Enrich your library collection with outstanding informational books that children really want to read. This annotated resource by veteran children s book reviewer Isaacs surveys the best nonfiction/informational titles for ages 3 through 10, helping librarians make informed collection development and purchasing decisions. With information on 250 books, this volume features an introductory chapter which takes a close look at what makes a successful informational picture book. Provides thoughtful descriptions for each title, including complete bibliographic information, age-level guidance, and notes on book awards won. Works as curriculum support as well as a tool for elementary RA, with easy-to-use topical organization and a separate subject index. Picturing the World is an invaluable aid to librarians and educators in their ongoing search for high quality informational children's books.Show Me a Story! by
ISBN: 9780763635060Publication Date: 2012-05-08In compelling interviews by the acclaimed Leonard S. Marcus, twenty-one top authors and illustrators reveal their inside stories on the art of creating picture books.