Youth Services Professional Collection: For All Age Groups
New to the Collection
Wild Things! Acts of Mischief in Children's Literature by
Call Number: 809.8928 BirISBN: 9780763651503Publication Date: 2014-08-05Secret lives, scandalous turns, and some very funny surprises -- these essays by leading kids' lit bloggers take us behind the scenes of many much-loved children's books. Told in lively and affectionate prose, this treasure trove of information for a student, librarian, parent, or anyone wondering about the post-Harry Potter children's book biz brings contemporary illumination to the warm-and-fuzzy bunny world we think we know.Golden Legacy by
Call Number: 070.5097ISBN: 9780375829963Publication Date: 2017-02-14Back in print, the fascinating history of Little Golden Books, in celebration of their 75th anniversary in 2017! With a Foreword by Eric Carle. Eminent children's historian Leonard Marcus' Golden Legacy chronicles the fascinating story of the creation, marketing, and worldwide impact of Little Golden Books, the most popular children's books of all time.
Reid's Read-Alouds 2 by
ISBN: 9780838910726Need a one-stop resource for jumpstarting sleepy library visitors? Ready to add punch to classroom discussions? In thiscompanion to his best-selling book Reid's Read-Alouds, children's lit guru Reid dips back into the classics to highlightoutstanding titles published between 1950 and 1999 that continue to connect with kids today. From humor and dramato science fiction and history, Reid makes it easy to find just the right place to begin, with unique 10-minute read-aloudsuggestions drawn from 200 carefully selected titles. Along with his kid-tested great reads, he includes Brief plot summaries and appropriate grade levels for each title Program planning suggestions Indexes by subject, author, title, and grade-levelAn excellent time-saver for the busy librarian or teacher, Reid's guide will enliven audiences and make reading fun.Outstanding Library Service to Children by
ISBN: 9780838909225Publication Date: 2006-07-01What does it truly take to provide excellent library service to children? The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) has outlined seven core competencies - skills that are building blocks for professional development for children's librarians. In this practical guide, three children's services experts bring these skills to life. Use this primer to develop and sharpen skills and access resources to improve professionalism and skills in: knowledge of the client group; administration and management; communication; materials and collection development; programming; and, advocacy, public relations, and networking.Serving Boys Through Readers' Advisory by
ISBN: 9780838910221Publication Date: 2009-12-01Based on more than twenty years experience working to get boys interested in reading, Michael Sullivan now offers his first readers advisory volume. With an emphasis on nonfiction and the boy-friendly categories of genre fiction, the work offers a wealth of material.Humanities Programming by
ISBN: 9781555700836Publication Date: 1997-01-01A guide for the public or academic librarian seeking humanities programming funds from NEH or a state humanities council. The manual considers every aspect of the process, beginning with a sound rationale for humanities programming as a legitimate library endeavour.
Family Storytime by
ISBN: 9780838907511Publication Date: 1999-01-01Family-tested material is highly participative and works on multiple levels. Organized by theme, the twenty-four programs each run about thirty solid minutes and include songs, picture books suggestions, poems, and fingerplays.STEP into Storytime by
ISBN: 9780838912225Story Time Effective Practice (STEP), developed by the authors, is an approach that articulates the link between child development theory and storytimes. This important resource shows how presenters can use STEP to craft a storytime that is effective for mixed-age groups and adheres to best practices for emotional, social, physical, and cognitive support. In this book, early literacy experts Ghoting and Klatt offer more than 30 complete ready-to-use storytimes appropriate for newborns to children age 5, along with extension activities. They include preparation, planning, and performance tips, plus guidance for interacting with parents and caregivers.Storytimes for Everyone! by
ISBN: 9780838911693"Recognizing that informed, caring adults are critical to supporting early literacy development, this important resource builds on the concepts introduced in the second edition of the ALSC/PLA Every Child Ready to Read(r) initiative. Offering practical suggestions for incorporating early literacy information and strategies into the storytime setting, early literacy authorities Ghoting and Martin-Diaz Explain how young children develop knowledge critical for reading comprehension Discuss five vital storytime practices (singing, talking, reading, writing, and playing) which adults can be taught to use at home Present dozens of storytimes for babies/toddlers, twos, and preschoolers, that engage adults while keeping their children in focus Address how young bilingual children acquire language, and other current research Featuring a variety of songs, projects, and activities, this book can be used at the library, at home, or anywhere else storytimes take place.&quoTechnology and Literacy by
ISBN: 9780838911082Publication Date: 2011-12-01Technology may not be a magic wand, but innovative technology programming can genuinely help children become adept at navigating our increasingly wired world while also helping them develop deductive reasoning, math, and other vital literacy skills. One of the simplest and most powerful tools for technology-based public library programming is called Scratch. It's a free, easy-to-use programming language that can be used to create everything from 3-D animation and graphics to music-enhanced presentations and games.
Special Services
Stuttering and Your Child - 5th Edition (2017) by
Call Number: 616.85 StuISBN: 0933388438Publication Date: 2017To Parents, teachers, and all those concerned with childhood stuttering: In this book, updated to reflect the latest research on stuttering, you will find answers to the questions most often asked by parents who are concerned about stuttering and their child. These answers will enable you to work with your child in ways that will contribute significantly to the healthy and normal development of fluency.DVD - Stuttering and Your Child: Help for Parents / La Tartamudez y Su Nino by
Call Number: 616.85 GuiISBN: 9780933388543Publication Date: 2004-01-01This 30 minute DVD is for parents and families of young children who stutter. (Formerly entitled Stuttering and the Preschool Child) Both versions - English and Spanish - are on the same DVD. The focus is to help families understand stuttering and make changes to promote more fluent speech.
• for parents whose child is stuttering
• for speech-language pathologists working with young children
• and for school, clinic, university, and hospital settings.
...this is perhaps the best buy in the nation for information on children and stuttering. ASHA Journal
La Tartamudez y Su Nino
A esta video se le pueden dar muchos usos. Se puede utilizar con familias en que un nino tartamudea, con terapeutas del habla que van a tratar a ninos de edad preescolar y en las escuelas, universidades, centros de tratamiento y su nino tartamudea guia para padres by
Call Number: 616.85 GuiISBN: 9780933388543Publication Date: 2004-01-01Este libro se ha escrito para padres que están preocupados sobre el habla de su hijo pequeño. Si su hijo generalmente habla bien pero alguna vez repite palabras, sonidos o sílabas, puede temer que su hijo/a esté empezando a tartamudear. Las metas de este libro son ayudarles a distinguir entre disrupciones normales y tartamudez real, que le permitan a Usted empezar a trabajar con su hijo con una major comprehension del problema.
What If I Say the Wrong Thing? by
ISBN: 9781614389712Publication Date: 2014-04-07In this compelling new tip book you'll find innovative and surprising ways to keep your personal diversity journey moving and the diversity commitment of your organization. Written to make this information bite-size and accessible, you'll find quick answers to typical What should I do? questions, like: What if I say the wrong thing, what should I do? What if I am work and someone makes a sexist joke, what should I say? Purchase copies for everyone at your organization to make sure everyone knows the culturally effective way to approach diversity situations.Library Services for Multicultural Patrons by
ISBN: 9780810887220Publication Date: 2012-10-12Increasingly, libraries are struggling to deal with a growing diversity in the cultural background of their patrons. Problems arising from this cultural diversity afflict all library types school, public and academic. Library Services for Multicultural Patrons is by and for all libraries that are striving to provide multicultural services to match the growing diversity in the cultural background of patrons. The book is designed to offer helpful tips and practical advice to academic, public, and school librarians who want to better serve the multicultural groups in their communities.Moving Diversity Forward by
ISBN: 9781614380061Publication Date: 2012-04-16"If you believe that your organization has done everything it can to enhance its diversity, and if you are still frustrated at how little progress you have made, Moving Diversity Forward is for you. It is an instructive read for all of those who wish to live and work in a multi-cultural world where everyone has a fair chance to succeed and contribute."-- Frank P. Barron, Chief Legal Officer, Morgan StanleyCultural Programming for Libraries by
ISBN: 9780838935514Publication Date: 2005-06-01For a library to fulfill its mission to provide community engagement and cultural dialogue, then diverse, excellent cultural programming is the key. This authoritative resource outlines all the steps. For a library to fulfill its mission to provide community engagement and cultural dialogue, then diverse, excellent cultural programming is the key. In Cultural Programming for Libraries, the director of ALA's Public Programs Office shares time-tested strategies and practical, inspiring samples from first-rate programs across the country.