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Home Preschool Storytimes from VCL: Spring has Sprung

Storytime Theme

Spring will start this year on Thursday, March 19. 

Find out more about Spring from DK here. 

Let's start Storytime with our "Hello Song"!

Hands go up, and hands go down.

I can turn round and round. 

I can listen, so can you. 

I can sit I'll show you how. 

Hands go up, and hands go down. 

Storytime is starting now. 

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Links to related activities, songs, and rhymes!

Ms. Melinda's Spring Movement Challenge

Can you do all these movements?

Circle your arms over your head until you are round like the sun

Kneel down and "grow" slowly until you are a new Spring flower

Flap your arms like a bid's wings

Move like a worm on the ground

Hop like a baby bunny

Sway like a tree growing new leaves


EBooks From Hoopla Digital all about Spring

Hoopla is one of our digital book resources. You may use up to 4 books per month with a Valley Cottage Library Card. 

You can use hoopla from a browser, or download the app. Use your library card to sign in. Your pin number is the last four digits of your phone.

Click the links below to be directed to the titles. 

Surprising Spring Surprising Spring

Spring Blossoms Spring Blossoms

Spring Colors Crayola ® Spring Colors


Colores De La Primavera Crayola  Colores de la Primavera Crayola ® (Crayola ® Spring Colors)


Are You Ready For Spring?  Are You Ready for Spring?

Our good bye song:

Clap your hands 'cause it's time to go.

Stomp your feet 'cause it's time to go.

Wave goodbye 'cause it's time to go,

Storytime's over now.