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Home Preschool Storytimes from VCL: St. Patrick's Day

Storytime Theme

St. Patrick's Day is Celebrated in the United States on March 17! 

Initially, St. Patrick's Day was a religious holiday, celebrating Saint Patrick's contributions in Ireland. Today, many people enjoy this day as a way to celebrate all things Irish! 

Find out more about St. Patrick's Day here: National Geographic Kids- St. Patrick's Day. 

Let's start Storytime with our "Hello Song"!

Hands go up, and hands go down.

I can turn round and round. 

I can listen, so can you. 

I can sit I'll show you how. 

Hands go up, and hands go down. 

Storytime is starting now. 

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Links to related activities, songs, and rhymes!

Ms. Melinda's St. Patrick's Day Home Scavenger Hunt

Can you find these things in your house? 

Something green that starts with the letter G

Something that is shiny like gold

Something rainbow colored

A large pot

Green clothing

A green food

Something on a wall that is green

A toy that is soft that is green

Good LUCK! 

Our good bye song:

Clap your hands 'cause it's time to go.

Stomp your feet 'cause it's time to go.

Wave goodbye 'cause it's time to go,

Storytime's over now.