CLRC Webinar: Engaging Take and Makes on a Shoestring Budget
Originally presented January 14, 2021
Coffee Filter Butterflies
Book Paring:
Coffee Filter people
Book Paring:
Accucut LibGuide:
Shared During the Workshop:
How to build a mini catapult from office supplies:
Garden Sounds Poem:
There's something in my garden! [point to garden]
Now, what can it be? [shrug shoulders]
There's something in my garden that I cannot see. [waggle finger for "no" and/or shake head]
If you listen carefully you will hear a sound [cup hand behind ear]...[Draw animal unseen and make sound]
Wow! A [name of animal] is what I found! [Continue until bored or out of animals.].
Homemade stress balls are SUPER SIMPLE to make at home. You can use flour, rice, water beads, play dough, and even oobleck as a filler inside the balloon.
In order to get the flour inside the balloon, you’ll also need a funnel. But no worries if you don’t have one! Simply cut the bottom off a plastic water bottle to make your own funnel. It’s easy, cheap and works like a charm!
This is such a great sensory activity and a really simple craft for kids, teens, adults and seniors!
BONUS: After the obstacle course program, cut the pool noodles in half and use them for a lightsaber craft!
Seed starters using every day items: Combine learning about planting, recycling, and composting. Cornell Cooperative Extension has a guide on what to plant during different seasons.
For libraries using Swank Movie License
We were able to confirm that the outdoor exception will be available for all of 2021. We recently added the list of movies and form for approval to the website to make it easier to access and review, and are working on adding a link to the library page of the website in the near future. Below are the guidelines and links for the outdoor exception:
For more information, contact Joe Swift:
Thank you to Sam Sambrato for gathering this information!
Libraries can purchase an Empire Pass to loan to patrons. About the Empire Pass:
The Empire Pass is your key to all-season enjoyment at New York State Parks. It provides unlimited day-use vehicle entry to most facilities operated by New York State Parks and the State Dept. of Environmental Conservation including forests, beaches, trails and more. Learn where the Empire Pass is Accepted.
All Trails: (from the website) Our goal is simple - build the largest collection of hand-curated trail guides, so you can explore the outdoors with confidence. Mobile App is available.
NYS Parks: A comprehensive list of state parks, national parks, historical sites, monuments, and more.
Lara Cohen, Tappan Library
@laracohen, Pinterest
Stuffed Animal clinic/ We're Going on a Bear Hunt; Animal Yoga; Eric Carle's Birthday
Michelle Muller, Goshen Public Library
NYS Performers and Programs Database
10:30 - 10:45:
ZOOM! MUSH! with Noggin, the Sled Dog (and her human)
Karen Land Iditarod Dog Mushing Presentations - (406) 459-5234 -
Fee: $100
Music and Puppets with Jumpin' Jamie
Jamie Theurich - (732) 687-1644 -
Fee: $250 for a one time virtual program. $60 each for a commitment of 6 or more pre-recorded programs.
1:30 - 1:45:
Virtual Bubble Workshop: Be A Bubble Artist and Scientist!
Casey Carle - 860-484-3533 -
Fees: $160 for up to 16 kids, $195 for up to 25
Recommended for ages 7 and up. (Younger kids with direct supervision.)
Websites to Get You Started:
Hour of Code:
NASA STEM Engagement:
America's Test Kitchen- Kids:
PBNify- create your own Paint by Numbers:
Chess Kids:
Hosting Virtual Programs Resources:
Green Screen Resources (originally created for Storytime Studio Mini-Grant recipients):