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NYS Home School and Educational Resources: School District Reopening Plans

New York State Reopening Guidance

August 7, 2020: Statement from Board of Regents Chancellor Betty A. Rosa and Interim Commissioner Shannon Tahoe on Decision to Reopen Schools

The COVID-19 pandemic created an unprecedented crisis, impacting New York’s students physically, emotionally and psychologically. Indeed, this has been one of, if not the most, challenging periods for education in our history. New York’s educators have heroically risen to the occasion, dedicating themselves to ensuring that students continued to learn as they also provided the level of care and compassion that our students need on a social-emotional level.

Click here to read full statement.

July 24, 2020Parent Update: Guidance to Reopen New York State Schools

Dear Parents,

Last week, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) released Guidance to Reopen New York State Schools to help schools and school districts as they plan to reopen, whether that occurs in person, remotely, or in a combination of the two. The guidance encourages community involvement and allows for flexibility so that districts and schools in every corner of the state can assess their unique situations and develop plans that best meet the needs of their students. The guidance document and an FAQ document are available on NYSED's Reopening Schools web page...

Click here to read full letter.

July 16, 2020: State Education Department Issues Guidance to Reopen New York State Schools

nys seal   The New York State Education Department today released guidance to help schools and school districts as they plan to reopen, whether that occurs in person, remotely, or in a combination of the two. The guidance builds on the Framework of Guidance that the Department presented to the Board of Regents on Monday, July 13. 

“On Monday, the Department presented a comprehensive framework of guidance for safely educating students this Fall,” said Board of Regents Chancellor Betty A. Rosa.  “The guidance disseminated to schools today accounts for the health and safety of our children, teachers and school personnel while encouraging equitable access to the services and resources necessary for a high-quality education.”

“Working with students, parents, educators and stakeholders, the Board of Regents and the Department have developed a guidance document that will help schools as they prepare their respective reopening plans, “ said Interim Commissioner Shannon Tahoe.  “The guidance encourages community involvement and allows for flexibility so that districts and schools in every corner of the state can assess their unique situation and develop a plan that best meets the needs of their students."

Click here to read full statement.

Thank You

Thank you to Barron Angell from Florida Public Library for compiling re-opening plans for all school districts within the RCLS services area.