Resources for Writers: Business:Agents, Freelancing, Markets, Publishing
The Independent Publishing Magazine
Self Publishing Advice Center Alliance of Independent Authors
Winning Writers Best Resources for Poets and Writers
Get Published! by An informative how-to guide,Get Published!offers an inside look at the publishing industry and explains how to publish your work professionally, affordably, and quickly with iUniverse, the leader in supported self-publishing.
ISBN: 0595395732Publication Date: 2006-04-01
Market Guides
Writer's Market 2020 by The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published! Want to get published and paid for your writing? Let Writer's Market 2020 guide you through the process with thousands of publishing opportunities for writers, including listings for book publishers, consumer and trade magazines, contests and awards, and literary agents--as well as new playwriting and screenwriting sections. These listings feature contact and submission information to help writers get their work published. Beyond the listings, you'll find articles devoted to the business and promotion of writing. Discover 20 literary agents actively seeking writers and their writing, how to develop an author brand, and overlooked funds for writers. This edition also includes the ever-popular pay-rate chart and book publisher subject index! You also gain access to: * Lists of professional writing organizations * Sample query letters * How to land a six-figure book deal
ISBN: 9781440301223Publication Date: 2019-11-05Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market 2020 by The Most Trusted Guide to the World of Children's Publishing! The 32nd edition of Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market is the definitive and trusted guide for anyone who seeks to write or illustrate for kids and young adults. If you're a writer or an illustrator for young readers and your goal is to get published, CWIM 2020 is the resource you need. In this book, you'll find more than 500 listings for children's book markets, including publishers, literary agents, magazines, contests, and more. These listings include a point of contact, how to properly submit your work, and what categories each market accepts. This edition also features: * Interviews with bestselling authors including Cassandra Clare, N.K. Jemisin, Jacqueline Woodson, Leigh Bardugo, and more. * Craft articles on topics ranging from P.O.V., mocking-up picture books, and including diverse characters. * Business articles on topics such as making the most of your platform, tracking submissions, and blocking out distractions when you write, and much more.
ISBN: 9781440301230Publication Date: 2019-12-03Novel and Short Story Writer's Market 2020 by The best resource for getting your fiction published! Novel & Short Story Writer's Market 2020 is the go-to resource you need to get your short stories, novellas, and novels published. The 39th edition of NSSWM features hundreds of updated listings for book publishers, literary agents, fiction publications, contests, and more. Each listing includes contact information, submission guidelines, and other essential tips. This edition of Novel & Short Story Writer's Market also offers * Interviews with bestselling authors N.K. Jemisin, Min Jin Lee, James Patterson, and Curtis Sittenfeld. * A detailed look at how to choose the best title for your fiction writing. * Articles on creating antagonistic characters and settings. * Advice on working with your editor, keeping track of your submissions, and diversity in fiction.
ISBN: 9781440354939Publication Date: 2019-11-19Poet's Market 2020 by The Most Trusted Guide to Publishing Poetry! Want to get your poetry published? There's no better tool for making it happen than Poet's Market 2020, which includes hundreds of publishing opportunities specifically for poets, including listings for book and chapbook publishers, print and online poetry publications, contests, and more. These listings include contact information, submission preferences, insider tips on what specific editors want, and--when offered--payment information. In addition to the completely updated listings, the 33nd edition of Poet's Market offers articles devoted to the craft and business of poetry, including the art of finishing a poem, ways to promote your new book, habits of highly productive poets, and more.
ISBN: 9781440354953Publication Date: 2019-11-26
How to Write Irresistible Query Letters by
Call Number: 808.02 COOISBN: 1582971552Publication Date: 2002-01-01How to Write a Book Proposal by The Source for Book Proposals Success! How to Write a Book Proposal is THE resource for getting your work published. This newly revised edition of the Writer's Digest Books classic outlines how to create an effective, nonfiction book proposal in a clear, step-by-step manner. You'll learn the keys to a successful book proposal and how to: Test-market the potential of a book idea and effectively communicate that potential in a proposal Choose the best agents and editors for a particular proposal Create a professional-looking proposal package Predispose publishers to make their best offer Notes agent and author Michael Larsen also provides insider insights into the publishing industry as well as a plethora of newly updated information including: Recent changes in the publishing industry Updated trend information New sample proposals Expanded instructions for creating outlines You'll also find complete guidelines to becoming an effective self-promoter. How to Write a Book Proposal is a must-have for every writer!
Call Number: 808.02 LARISBN: 9781582977027Publication Date: 2011-04-18The Portable Writers' Conference by More than 45 chapters -- called workshops in the book -- provide instruction on the writing craft and the business of getting published. Here's just a sample: "Slice Yourself a Piece of Mud Pie!: Writing for the Children's Market" by children's literary agent Andrea Brown. "Surfing the Internet for Facts: Tips for Researching Your Nonfiction Book, Novel or Article Online" by Judith Broadhurst, publisher of Freelance Success and author of The Woman's Guide to Online Services (Houghton-Mifflin) "How to Write the Dynamite Love Scene: Sizzle Sells More Than Just Steaks, Learn How to Add Steam to Your Novel or Short Story" by novelist Suzanne Forster, recipient of the "Career Achievement Award in Sensuality" from Romantic Times Magazine. "So You Want to be a Columnist?: Learn What Periodical Publishers Look for and How to Supply It" by Frances Halpern, LA Times columnist and co-host of National Public Radio's "Beyond Words" literary talk-show. "Running a Home-Based Writing Business: Tips, Tools & Techniques" by Terri Lonier, author of Working Solo: The Real Guide to Freedom & Financial Success With Your Own Business (Portico Press) "Listen!: How to Use Dialogue to Light Up Your Characters Until They Attract Readers Like Moths to a Flame" by award-winning novelist Parke Godwin, author of many novels including Firelord, Beloved Exile, and Camelot. The contributors are all experts in their particular field in the publishing industry. They include: Sybil S. Steinberg, interviews editor, Publishers Weekly, Katheryn Falk, editor and publisher of Romantic Times Magazine, self-publishing guru Dan Poynter, Betsy Mitchell, editor-in-chief, Warner-Aspect Books, James Frey,author of How to Write a Damn Good Novel (St. Martins), attorney Jonathan Kirsch, author of Kirsch's Handbook of Publishing Law (Acrobat) and Sara Ann Freed, executive editor, Mysterious Press. Interest in writers' con
Call Number: 808.02 PORISBN: 9781884956232Publication Date: 1997-02-01The Writer's Digest Guide to Query Letters by Make That Crucial, Positive First Impression Anyone who's researched the marketplace knows: The path to publication begins with your query letter. If your query is weak, unfocused, or uninspired, an editor or agent won't even bother to request your article, novel manuscript, or nonfiction book proposal. But a well-crafted, compelling query sent to the right editor or agent is an essential sales tool for fiction writers and the most effective way for nonfiction writers to pre-sell your idea. In this book, professional freelance writer and magazine editor Wendy Burt-Thomas shares practical advice on how to craft persuasive letters that connect with editors and agents and ultimately generate sales for you. You'll learn how to: Conduct targeted research to find suitable editors and agents Hook an editor with a tantalizing lead and shape a summary that compels editors to buy Select the strongest slant for your book or article Use research and interview shortcuts that keep your query prep profitable Make your query rejection-proof by weeding out subtle mistakes that can sabotage your project Communicate your author platform and sell yourself as the best writer for the subject Complete with dozens of sample queries-some that landed article assignments, agents, or book deals, and others that never stood a chance-this book offers you a comprehensive strategy for presenting your writing ideas in a way that will increase your chances of publication. Though the title may lead some to believe it's strictly to be shelved as a reference manual, The Writer's Digest Guide to Query Letters is a smooth read from cover to cover.
ISBN: 9781582975665Publication Date: 2009-01-02