Nyack Basics: About Nyack Basics
What is Nyack Basics?
The Nyack Library is a proud champion of Nyack Basics!
The Nyack Basics Campaign is a community wide collaboration of organizations and individuals partnering to ensure every child has the opportunity to succeed.
The Nyack Basics are five evidence-based parenting and care giving principles that help our children grow to become the happiest and most successful they can be!
Through community education and public awareness, The Nyack Basics Campaign is helping to ensure all parents and caregivers know what they can do for babies and toddlers to learn and thrive.
Nyack Basics is an active member of a national campaign conceived by the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard University.
On this website, The Nyack Library shows caregivers of babies and toddlers how to incorporate the Basics into everyday routines. By adding simple activities such as the ones found here, caregivers can help children thrive and grow into children ready to read and explore the world around them. Each page includes activity ideas, how to use them, and reasons why this basic element is important for healthy brain development. We include videos and lists of appropriate books as well.
What are the FIVE BASIC elements that help children grow?
Maximize Love, Manage Stress Babies and toddlers thrive when their world feels loving, safe, and predictable. Respond with smiles, words, and touch to help them see, hear, and feel your love. You will help them develop a sense of security and self-control.
Talk, Sing, and Point Babies learn language from the moment they are born. Respond to their sounds, and later, their words. Connect with eye contact and a loving tone of voice, while pointing to help them know what you are talking about.
Count, Group, and Compare Every child’s brain is wired for math. Talk about numbers, shapes, patterns, and comparisons as you go about your routines together. Watch your child learn to love math.
Explore Through Movement and Play Babies are like scientists who love making discoveries. Watch to see what interests your child, then encourage their curiosity and help them learn when they play and explore.
Read and Discuss Stories Reading turns kids into confident thinkers. Make books a regular part of your relationship from the very beginning. With infants, point at the pictures and speak with excitement. With toddlers, just make it fun.
A Nyack Basics Video by Ron Ferguson, Ph.D., Founder, Boston Basics Initiative A Nyack Basics Video, Nyack School District
About The Basics Learning Network and Materials displayed on this Website
Wording for descriptions and tips/activities is provided by The Basics Learning Network.
Beginning in 2015, with the Boston Basics Campaign, the Basics Learning Network (BLN) has become a geographically diverse network of local coalitions in more than two-dozen cities, towns, and counties in the U.S. and abroad. The nonprofit organization, The Basics Inc., was created by the Black Philanthropy Fund in 2017 to be the institutional hub of the BLN, while the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard University leads the ongoing development of tools and materials in alliance with BLN communities.
All books and materials suggestions were selected by the Valley Cottage Library Children's Librarians. All materials displayed are held by the Valley Cottage Library and/or the Nyack Library. They are available for FREE with your Valley Cottage or Nyack library card, or any other RCLS library card.