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RCLS Integrated Library System Handbook

Updates in Progress for Koha Migration - see date in footer for latest update information

Cataloging Items and CAPS Records

A Note About Item and Bibliographic (Title) Records

Item records allow for the location, circulation, and inventory control of all physical items owned by a library. Item records contain fields that indicate type, location, status, and most recent history. Item records do not describe the content or extent of an item.

Bibliographic records contain information about an item's title, author, subject headings, publisher, publication date, etc. These bibliographic records are also known as MARC formatted records and may sometimes be called title records or "biblios" in Koha shorthand.

Call numbers are not maintained as separate records in Koha. An item's call number field may be pre-populated by one or more MARC fields in the bibliographic record or edited to conform to the library's call numbering rules.

There should be only one bibliographic record representing each unique manifestation of a work. Multiple copies of that work are attached as individual item records to the bibliographic record.

6.1 Add Item

Recommended Workflow:
  1. Search the catalog for a bibliographic record matching the item in hand. Use ISBN, UPC, or title for best results.
  2. Make sure the author, title, and publisher information matches the item in hand.
  3. Go to + New > New item
  4. Fill in the following fields:
    • 3 - Circulation Note: (optional) Enter the number of pieces in an item and include an explanatory note if mixed media kit.
    • 7 - Not for loan: (optional) Select a status here if the item will not be available immediately.
    • 8 - Collection code: Select the appropriate audience for the item.
    • a - Home library: This should pre-populate with your library's branch code.
    • b - Current library: This should pre-populate with your library's branch code.
    • c - Shelving location: Select the location where this item will be shelved.
    • d - Date acquired: Clicking in this field will pre-populate it with the current date.
    • g - Cost, normal purchase price: Enter the price paid for item. Enter numbers only. Adding a dollar sign will remove the value from the record.
    • h - Serial enumeration / chronology: (optional) If the item is part of a series, enter the volume number here. Check the Appendix for guidance.
    • o - Full call number: Give the item a call number here. May pre-populate from the MARC record. Check holdings table at the top of the page to see call numbers in use at other libraries. Do not include volume numbers or copy numbers. You can indicate volume in the call number for labelling purposes, but see the section on Item Groups below for more information about distinguishing volumes.
    • p - Barcode: Scan the barcode that will be attached to the item in hand. You may also enter a placeholder number following this format: your three-letter library code followed by the current time and date. Example: WAR084801202023 (8:48 a.m. on January 20, 2023). [Koha currently allows this field to remain blank if that is easier. /mks]
    • t - Copy number: (optional) If the item is one of multiple copies with the same call number, enter the copy number here.
    • v - Cost, replacement price: Enter the price a patron would be charged if lost or damaged.  Enter numbers only. Adding a dollar sign will remove the value from the record.
    • y - Koha item type: This pre-populates based on a default value and controls circulation and fine rules. Change to the preferred item type if necessary.
  5. Click Add item to save the item record and add it to the catalog.

6.2 Edit Item

NOTE: Staff with technical services permissions will only be able to edit items belonging to their library or their library group.  

This is used for making changes to an item's call number, barcode, item type, shelving location, collection code, not for loan status, etc.

Certain item fields can be edited even if the item does not belong to the user's library or library group. These include lost status, damaged status, withdrawn status, non-public note, and public note.

[BWS is checking to see if withdrawn status can be removed from the general permissions /ac]

6.3 Add New CAPS Bibliographic Record with Item(s)

If your initial catalog search to add an item does not result in a match, you may use Fast Cataloging to create a new, very brief bibliographic record and attach your item at the same time. RCLS Catalogers request that these records be entered using ALL CAPS. In Koha, a background process will convert entries made in Fast Cataloging fields to capital letters even if they are entered normally.

Fast cataloging is accessible from both the Circulation module and the Cataloging module in Koha.

Because these fast add records are entered in or converted to ALL CAPS, we also refer to them as CAPS Records.

Reports are run regularly to find these brief title records and replace them (where possible) with much more complete bibliographic records.

When RCLS Cataloging staff are unable to find a complete record, a non-public note will be added to your item requesting the following documentation to be scanned or photocopied:

  • Books: title page and t.p. verso (i.e., back of title page where publication information is located)
  • Last numbered page
  • A/V: front and back cover packaging
  • Barcode

Upon sending the documentation, delete the non-public note from your item record. Once this documentation is received, RCLS staff will attempt to find a suitable bibliographic record. 

Recommended Workflow:
  1. Access Fast Cataloging from either the Circulation or Cataloging module.
  2. Enter the following information in the appropriate fields:
    • 020 - ISBN number, no spaces or dashes (ISBN-13 preferred)
    • 024 - (optional) UPC code for A/V items
    • 100 - author's name as LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME
    • 245 - (required) title of the work
    • 260 - name of publisher and publication year
    • 500 - any other useful information, e.g., LCCN numbers, series names, pagination, height of book, number of parts or discs, performer and director names, music publisher number, pre-publication date, etc. The information in this field is helpful to the RCLS ILL Staff.
    • 942 - select the most appropriate item type for the record
  3. Save the MARC record.
  4. Enter item information as described under 6.1 Add Item.
  5. Save item and continue adding items if needed.

6.4 Edit Item Status

Lost Statuses:
  • Damaged - Bill to Patron - An item determined to be damaged beyond repair for which the patron will be billed. An invoice is generated when this status is applied to an item.
  • Lost - An item known to be lost by a patron.
  • Missing - An item not found on shelf and not known to be lost by patron.
Damaged Statuses:
  • Bindery - Item sent to bindery.
  • Damaged - Needs Review - Item is damaged and to be reviewed for repair or loss (which would be billed to patron).
  • Repair - Item awaiting repair.
  • Skip Hold - Owning Library temporarily does not want to fill a hold using this item.
Withdrawn Status: 
  • Withdrawn - Item is removed from the collection and record will be deleted by RCLS.
For More Detailed Advice, See:

6.5 Delete Items and Bibliographic Records

RCLS member libraries my delete item records when they remove items from their collections. RCLS Cataloging staff will run reports periodically to find orphaned bibliographic records to delete.  


6.6 Batch Item Modification

Users with Elevated Permissions can batch edit items that belong to their library.



Use caution when editing items in batch from Item Search. Selections for editing targets are saved through multiple searches. Make sure that the number of items selected matches what you expect before clicking the batch operation button:

Always clear your current selections before performing a new batch item edit.

6.7 Transferring Items to Another Record

This process is used for transferring an item(s) from one bibliographic record to another. Member libraries may only transfer their own items. 

6.8 Item Groups

When creating or editing item records for serial publications (annual or irregular editions of the same title) or title sets (book sets, DVD sets), you will need to indicate the edition, part or disc for each piece that is barcoded and circulated as a unit. In Koha, this is accomplished with Item Groups. Users with Elevated Permissions can create, edit, and delete Item Groups.

Note that fiction books in series should NOT be placed in an Item Group. Book series are works with different titles that are often by one author; fictional series typically share a common setting, story arc, set of characters, or timeline. If you shelve book series in numerical order, you can indicate the series number in the main part of the call number, but it does not require an Item Group. If a title is in a series, Aspen Discovery will display a hyperlinked Series link in the grouped work display.


To add an item to an Item Group, check the box next to your item in the Holdings tab, click on ‘Add/move to item group,’ and choose which group the selected item should be added to.

If you need to create a new Item Group, please adhere to the naming conventions below. Keep "Display order" at the default of 0.

Year Editions of Serials 
Put only the year or range of years. Examples: “2005” or “2004-2005”
Do not add the word "edition" or "ed." Do not abbreviate years "04-05"

Book sets / Manga
If the volumes in the set are called "Book", use the format: "bk.1", "bk.2", etc. 
Do not use the full word "Book".

If the volumes in the set are called "Volume", use the format "v.1", "v.2", etc.
Not that there are no spaces before or after the period.

Numbered Editions of Serials 
Our experience has been that numbered editions are unreliable, due to publisher inconsistency in their application, i.e. "1st ed.", "2nd ed." Do not use "ed." or the full word "edition". Instead, use the copyright year as noted in Year Editions of Serials.

Book or VHS set with "Parts" 
Use the format "pt.1", "pt.2", etc.

DVD sets broken into Discs
Use the format "disc 1", "disc 2", etc. If multiple discs (but not the complete set) are barcoded together, use the format "discs 1-2"

Note: If you circulate the entire set under one barcode, you do not need to add the item to an Item Group. You may see some existing item groups called "all discs." This is a holdover from our previous ILS and is not necessary.

Blu-Ray/DVD combo packages 
Publishers issue movies in packages that combine Blu-Ray discs with regular DVD discs. Because patrons often look for titles in one format or the other, libraries are sometimes splitting up these packages. If items are linked to a title record for a combo package, but barcoded separately for a specific format, use a “blu-ray only” or “dvd only” item group.

Monthly: Use the format "2022 02" [YYYY MM]
Bi-monthly: Use the format "2022 03/04" [YYYY MM/MM]
Quarterly: Use the format "2022 01/02/03"
Seasonally: Use the format "2022 Winter" (spell out the season, using consistent case)
Weekly: Use the format "2022 01-15" [YYYY MM-DD]


Notes: Do not move new items into Item Groups that do not adhere to the naming conventions outlined above. Do not delete Item Groups unless it is a new one that you've created in error.

6.9 Item Linking for Union List of Serials

The Union List of Serials is of value for periodicals titles that aren't available in full text in our online databases: it lets you see who subscribes to print editions and how long they keep their back issues. Item records under these bibliographic records do not represent real world items. Do not link individual barcoded magazines or periodicals to these records.

To find these bibliographic records, conduct a catalog search using the name of the periodical followed by "ULS."

The item records should be constructed as follows:

Call number: Your Dewey number and cutter + serial volume statement

Shelving Location: Periodicals

Item Type: Non-Circulating

Serial volume statement examples:

  • CURRENT 6 MOS (6 months of most recent issues, regardless of calendar year)
  • CURRENT YR (Issues published within the calendar year)
  • CY+1 (As above, but with the previous calendar year kept as well)
  • CY+2


Note: Koha does not require a barcode. You may see examples of migrated ULS records with a fabricated barcode, but these are no longer necessary.

6.10 Replacing Items

If you need to replace an item with a new copy and want to retain the circulation statistics, we suggest making the following item edits. 

Delete the barcode and add a Not for Loan status of “Available Soon”. When the new copy arrives, edit the item again to add the barcode and clear the not for loan status. This retains the circulation statistics of the original item.

6.11 Photocopy Requests from RCLS

Occasionally, RCLS catalogers need more information to fully catalog a record. In these cases, they will add "CAT 1XX" to the Non-public note on an item.

Running Report 90: Photocopy Request report for Cataloging will return any items with this non-public note.

This report should be run on a regular basis at each library.

When an item shows up in the report results, please send photocopies of the item's title page, verso, AV packaging, or any other identifying information to the RCLS Cataloging team. In some rare cases, catalogers may ask for the item to be sent to RCLSHQ in its entirety.