Goshen Genealogy: Obituary Index
Obituary Finder
Use our Online Obituary Finder to search for obituaries for people from in and around the Goshen area.
Our Obituary Index includes notices published as early as 1820 and it's kept up to date through the present day, covering all obituaries published in the local Goshen newspaper, the Independent Republican.
How to use the Online Obituary Finder.
1. Look up a person by name, maiden name, spouse or other family, date of birth or death.
2. When you find the record for the person you are looking for, it will contain the source information for their obituary.
3. You can use the source information associated with the obituary to locate it in our obituary collection in the Local History Room at the library, or we can mail you a photocopy of the obituary for a small processing fee of $1.00. (We do not offer scanning, or emailing of obitiuaries as of yet.)
Go to the Online Obituary Finder
Our Church Records and Cemetery Records, kept in the Local History Room at the library may also help you with your reseach.
You can also check these links for more info.
Orange County Genealogical Society
Ancestry.com (Library Edition) ( only available inside the Goshen Library Building)
Need More Help?
Contact our Local Historian in the Local History Room at Goshen Public Library & Historical Society if you have any questions or want help with your research.
Monday and Thursday : 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
(845) 294 - 6606 ext. 103