Senior Citizen Resources: Social Services
Town of Newburgh Friends of Seniors
Town of Newburgh Friends of Seniors is a volunteer organization sponsored by the Town, the Orange County Office for the Aging, and Jewish Family Service of Orange County. Volunteers drive town residents age 60 and over to doctor appointments and grocery shopping. Volunteers also do grocery shopping for those who are unable to shop for themselves or will visit for an hour a week to provide companionship.
A two week notice is preferred for ride requests. There is no charge for this service. Volunteers are trained and screened and donate their time. If interested call 564-8936.
If interested in volunteering, call 564-8936 and leave a message for coordinator and co-founder Anita Manley.
Adult Day Care
Resource Guides
- Eldercare LocatorServices for Seniors and their families.
- Orange County Office for the Aging Newburgh Office (AGELINK)AGELINK is located at the Newburgh Armory Unity Center on Monday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
For information call 845-245-4035. - U.S. Senate Special Committee on AgingWhat Congress is doing to help Seniors.
- Welcome Orange Geriatric Initiative (WOGI)WOGI is a partnership of aging, mental health, and supportive community collaborators striving to increase wellness, independence, and maintain stability in the community for individuals age 55 and older.
contact Keli Harrison 845-342-2400, ext 1233
Adult Protective Services
Orange County Adult Protective Services: 845-291-2800
- Protecting Adults from Abuse and Neglectbrochure from New York State Office of Children & Family Services
Social Security Administration
3 Washington Center, Suite 301
Newburgh NY 12550
phone: 866-504-4801
TTY: 845-565-7411