Do-it-Yourself Legal Resources: Getting Started
A guide to free legal resources
Definitions and Explanations
- Nolo's Free Dictionary of Law Terms and Legal DefinitionsFind plain-English definitions for legal terms by searching or browsing Nolo's Plain-English Law Dictionary.
- Topical Articles from NOLOarticles on everyday legal topics written in plain Englsih
- NYS Department of StateThe official compiler of state agency rules and regulations
- Federal Courtscourt types, roles and structure
- NYS CourtsCourt locator (by county), specialized courts, appellate courts, local courts, NYC courts; overview, structure and history of courts in NYS.
Foreign Law @Law Library of Congress
- Foreign Law Research GuidesIndividual guides for a selection of countries; each guide includes an introduction to the legal system, official sources of law, print /web resources.
Featured Books available at the Newburgh Free Library
Legal Research: How to Find & Understand the Law by
Call Number: 340.072 ELI 2015ISBN: 9781413321821Publication Date: 2015-08-15The Oxford Guide to United States Supreme Court Decisions by
Call Number: Ref 348.734 OXFISBN: 9780195379396Publication Date: 2009-03-11
Learn About the Law
- FindLawLegal information, legal news, and lawyer profiles
- Learn about the LawYour legal rights, common legal issues and legal help
Free and Low Cost Legal Help
- Dispute Resolution CenterMediation for families and youth: custody visitation, divorce and separation, and many more.
- Free Legal Advice in 100+ Law TopicsLearn about the law, ask questions, find a lawyer
- Free Legal AnswersEligible New Yorkers can ask volunteer attorneys about their non-criminal legal issue from this NYS Bar Association website.
- Legal Services of the Hudson ValleyProvides comprehensive civil legal services to the lower Hudson Valley. Multi-language staff on-site.
- New York Law HelpFind free legal aid in New York and information about your legal rights, courts, and more.
- NY CourtHelp - A website for unrepresented New YorkersFree and easy computer programs you can use yourself to make court forms or learn information about your legal problem
Helpful Websites
- Google ScholarSearching for legal opinions, journal articles, case decisions, patents, and more...
- New York Official Reports: Legal Research PortalA comprehensive range of federal and state court resources including NY court decisions, links to US Supreme Court, forms, and more.
- NYS Supreme Court Help Centerhow to commence cases
how to answer cases
basics of filling out court forms
court procedure
referrals to appropriate state agencies and community organizations
finding the appropriate court - Westlawresearch US court cases, statutes and laws. Includes state primary law and binding federal primary law. For help with legal research and searching Westlaw, call Westlaw's Reference Attorneys at 1-800-733-2889, available 24 hours a day..