Kids Create: Star Wars Puppets
Are you a fan of Star Wars? Come on down to the library and lets make puppets of some of your favorite characters from the series! Grades 2-5
Wednesday May 3rd 4:30pm Register Here
Register For: Whose Kids are These Anyway?!: An Interactive Theatrical Experience
Join the theater students from The Orange County School of Dance as they showcase an afternoon of improv comedy and other theatrical delights. Relax and enjoy yourself as you are immersed in rockin’ musical numbers, epic tales from Mythology, and side-splitting improv. Participate in the show as a member of the audience by making suggestions for scenes, writing lines for the actors to say, and maybe even getting up and performing yourself! All ages welcome, newcomers encouraged!
Saturday May 3rd 2:00pm Register Here
Once Upon A Fairy Tale
Come and enjoy award winning story teller Diane Edgecomb as she delights families with her fairy tales from around the world!
Sunday May 21st 1:00pm Register Here
Little Kids Create: Simple Charades
Remember Charades? We'll all have a chance to pretend to be something else as our friends guess who we are - come join us!
Preschooler 3s & 4s
Monday May 22nd 4:00pm Register Here
Teens Create: Masquerade Masks
Come on down to the library and create your own masquerade mask to celebrate the dramatic arts!
Monday May 22nd 6:00pm Register Here
Kids Create: Charades
Remember charades?! We'll all have a chance to pretend to be something else as our friends try to guess who we are! Join us for some fun!
Grades K-1
Tuesday May 23rd 4:00pm Register Here
Comedic Improv
Join us for a fun night of comedic improve. Audience participation is asked for but not required.
Wednesday May 24th 6:00pm Register Here