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RCLS: Professional Development Opportunities: RCLS PD Scholarship

A list of archived webinars and organizations with trusted resources so you can stay up-to-date on your continuing education.


The Professional Development Scholarship seeks to improve the skills and abilities of our member library staff who wish to attend a professional development program or course but are unable to due to budgetary constraints. Two (2) Scholarships will be offered each year, one (1) in the Spring and one (1) in the Fall.

Scholarship Guidelines

  • Applicant must be a current employee at an RCLS member library.
  • Scholarships are given to applicants who wish to pursue courses or sessions through a University, College, or Library Association.
  • Candidates must submit an essay of no more than 500 words, answering the questions:

How will this program assist in your career development?

Why are you a good candidate to receive this scholarship?

  • Scholarship recipients must submit an evaluation report and proof of course completion.
  • Scholarship awards are $1000 and will be awarded after submitting the evaluation report and proof of course completion.
  • Fall 2024 Scholarship deadline is August 9th.
  • Completed applications should be sent to:

Michelle Muller
Member & Youth Services Consultant



  • All RCLS member library directors, managers and librarians are eligible to apply.
  • Individual applicants can receive only one scholarship during each calendar year.
  • Courses taken toward the MLS (or equivalent) degree are not applicable.
  • A candidate must be employed at an RCLS member library at the time of application and completion of the professional development opportunity.

Deadlines and Announcements

  • All applications must be received prior to fall and spring deadlines.
  • Scholarship recipients will be notified by email.
  • Scholarship check will be sent to the recipient, once the evaluation report and proof of course completion have been received by Michelle Muller at RCLS, via RCLS delivery or email.
  • Applicants denied scholarships will be notified by email and will have the opportunity to apply in the following round.

Selective Procedure

  • Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant with a note indicating the error or omission.
  • Scholarship recipients will be chosen by the RCLS Board of Trustees.
  • The RCLS Board of Trustees has the right to offer no scholarships, if the applications do not meet the minimum eligibility requirements. 
  • Scholarship monies not used will go back to the RCLS continuing education program.

Evaluation Report

  • Scholarship recipients are required to write a brief evaluation report about their experience, describing the value of the course for them and the impact of the course on their job performance. All or part of this report may then be used in future RCLS publicity.
  • Recipients may also be asked to share their experience with the local library community at an RCLS event.