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Winter 2022 Children's Programs at Valley Cottage: PreK Kids

Welcome to our Online Storytime at Valley Cottage Library! Each week through March 14 we will post new fun book videos, fingerplays, songs, and activities for you to do at home. Starting March 29 we will be doing in-person Baby, Toddler, and Prek-K Storytimes again! Registration begins one week before each individual program date, and is open to Nyack School District residents. Take a look at all of our Spring Programs! 

Winter 2022 PreK Kids

Try some Songs and Fingerplays!


Ms. Melinda's St. Patrick's Day Home Scavenger Hunt

Can you find these things in your house? 

Something green that starts with the letter G

Something that is shiny like gold

Something rainbow colored

A large pot

Green clothing

A green food

Something on a wall that is green

A toy that is soft that is green



Let's take a look at snow! Listen to the books below, follow along with songs and fingerplays, and try a craft!



Let's Sing and Play:


Check out some fun crafts from "No Time for Flash Cards" by clicking the picture below!

 Snowflake crafts for 2 and 3 year olds. Great Winter crafts for kids.   


Color a cute house in winter here!


       Let's take a look at colors! Listen to the books below, follow along with songs and fingerplays, and try a craft!



Let's Sing and Play:


Check out some fun crafts too! 

Print a color wheel!

Color Crafts!


Beep Beep off we go!! Listen to the books below, follow along with songs and fingerplays, and try a craft!





Sing along with some great songs! 


Transportation Crafts

Tractor Coloring Page



  Hope you enjoy our Valentine's Day Storytime! 




Enjoy some Songs and Fingerplays


Try out a craft from "The Measured Mom"


Enjoy storytime with some cozy, furry, and feathered friends! 







Fun Fingerplays and Songs! 


Try a craft or coloring page! 

Winter Wonderland Animal Crafts from The Spruce Crafts.

Penguin Coloring Page



 What’s it like outside? Open a door, look through the window, what is happening in the sky? Is it raining today? Is it sunny? Could it be snowing??!! Read on below for some fun weather-related stories and fun!





Join Ms. Melinda for a fun interactive Circle Time all about Weather!


    Try some Weather Crafts for kids! 


Circle? Square? What do you see?


Move and groove with songs and fingerplays about shapes! 


More Shape Fun!