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Adult Summer Reading Book Bingo Challenge at the Palisades Free Library: Suggested Titles

Suggestions to help you complete the Palisades Free Library's Adult Summer Reading Book Bingo Challenge Card.

Adult Summer Reading Book Bingo Challenge

Below are some suggested titles to help you complete the squares on the Palisades Free Library's Adult Summer Reading Book Bingo Challenge Card.  Click on the book title for the location and/or to place a hold on a copy. Looking for more suggestions? Ask at the Reference Desk, check out one of the Library’s summer reading displays, or try out NoveList Plus (sign in from home with your library card number and PIN).

Book that Takes Place on Vacation

Rockland County Author

Place You've Never Visited

About an Adventure

Gold, Silver, or Bronze Cover or Title

Set Outdoors

Author/Main Character of a Different Religion/Race/Orientation