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Banned Books Week: Top Challenged Literary Classics

Challenged Literary Classics

Below is a list of some literary classics that have been banned/challenged over the years. The titles shown are ones that have been reported to the American Library Association. By clicking on the books you will be taken to our catalog where you can choose to place a "hold" on any title you find of interest. You just need to enter your library card # (starts with 22861 if you are a Fallsburg Library patron) and then your pin # which is the last 4 digits of the telephone # you gave to the library.

#1 The Great Gatsby

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language & sexual content.

#2 The Catcher in the Rye

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, sexually explicit & unsuited to age group.

#3 The Grapes of Wrath

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, sexual content, & rape.

#4 To Kill a Mockingbird

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language & racism.

#5 The Color Purple

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, sexually explicit, homosexuality, & unsuited to age group.

#6 Ulysses

Reasons for being challenged:

Sexually explicit.

#7 Beloved

Reasons for being challenged:

Sexually explicit, religious viewpoint, & violence.

#8 Lord of the Flies

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, violence, sexual content, racism, & demoralizing.

#9 1984

Reasons for being challenged:

Sexually explicit & pro-communist.

#10 Lolita

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language & sexually explicit/obscene.

#11 Of Mice and Men

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, racism, & violence.

#12 Catch-22

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language - excessive use of the word "whore".

#13 Brave New World

Reasons for being challenged:

Insensitivity, nudity, racism, religious viewpoint, & sexually explicit.

#14 Animal Farm

Reasons for being challenged:

Unfavorable political theories, language, & unsuited to age group.

#15 The Sun Also Rises

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, anti-semitism, sexual content & focus on adultery.

#16 As I Lay Dying

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, references to abortion and masturbation, & questions the existence of God.

#17 A Farewell to Arms

Reasons for being challenged:

Sexual content/sexually explicit.

#18 Their Eyes Were Watching God

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language & sexually explicit.

#19 Invisible Man

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, sexual content, & violence.

#20 Song of Solomon

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, sexually explicit, use of racial slurs.

#21 Gone with the Wind

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language & racism.

#22 Native Son

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, violence, & sexually explicit.

#23 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, violence & glorification of criminal activity.

#24 Slaughterhouse-Five

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, sexually explicit, violence, & use of racial slurs.

#25 For Whom the Bell Tolls

Reasons for being challenged:

Communistic in nature.

#26 The Call of the Wild

Reasons for being challenged:

Animal cruelty, violence, & unsuited to age group.

#27 Go Tell it on the Mountain

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, depictions of rape & masturbation, & violence.

#28 All the King's Men

Reasons for being challenged:

Immoral & unsuited to age group.

#29 The Lord of the Rings

Reasons for being challenged:

Irreligious & satanic.

#30 The Jungle

Reasons for being challenged:

Shares socialist views & unsuited to age group.

#31 Lady Chatterley's Lover

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language & sexually explicit.

#32 A Clockwork Orange

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language & depictions of violence.

#33 The Awakening

Reasons for being challenged:

Obscene, vulgar, & goes against traditional/Christian values.

#34 In Cold Blood

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language, violence, & sexual content.

#35 The Satanic Verses

Reasons for being challenged:

Blasphemous & anti-Islam.

#36 Sophie's Choice

Reasons for being challenged:

Sexual content.

#37 Sons and Lovers

Reasons for being challenged:

Sexual content.

#38 Cat's Cradle

Reasons for being challenged:

Sexual content.

#39 A Separate Peace

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language.

#40 Naked Lunch

Reasons for being challenged:

Obscene, drug use, & offensive language.

#41 Brideshead Revisited

Reasons for being challenged:

Sexual content & homosexuality.

#42 Women in Love

Reasons for being challenged:


#43 The Naked and the Dead

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language.

#44 Tropic of Cancer

Reasons for being challenged:

Offensive language & sexual content.

#45 An American Tragedy

Reasons for being challenged:

Sexual content & violence.

#46 Rabbit, Run

Reasons for being challenged:

Obscene, offensive language, promotes promiscuity, & sexual content.