Black History Month: How to Search for Other Books
To Start...
The information on this page is meant to help you order books that are within the Ramapo Catskill Library System and have them sent to the Fallsburg Library for pick up. In order to do that, you must have a Fallsburg Library card. Don't have one? No worries! Just have your mom/dad/guardian bring in proof of residency (electric bill, cable bill, rent receipt, tax bill etc.) and photo ID. They can get a library card and you can get one too!
Step 1
The first step is to go to our webpage, and scroll down until you see 'Library Catalog' along the right hand side of the page. Click on the icon.
Step 2
This will bring you to our online catalog. In the search bar you can put in the name of a person or event that you are interested in finding information on. For example, for a Black History project you might choose to search 'Civil Rights.'
Step 3
As you can see, there are a LOT of materials about civil rights. Use the 'filters' along the left hand side of the page to narrow your search results more.
You might want to choose only 'juvenile' materials that are 'nonfiction.' Be sure to hit the 'Include' button after each selection.
Step 4
Now we have a more realistic amount of material to sort through.
Step 5
Maybe you want to read more about Coretta Scott King. You can click on the title of the item and get more information about it, including what libraries own a copy of it. If you decide that you would like to read the book, just click on the 'Place Hold' button along the right of the title.
Step 6
From here you'll have to put in your library card number (should start with 22861) and your "pin" number which is the last 4 digits of your phone number.
Step 7
After logging in, you'll be able to choose 'Fallsburg Library' as your pick up location and then click 'Place Hold.'
Step 8
The final screen will tell you if you had 'success' or if there was an error in placing the hold. When your book/movie/material becomes available to pick up you will receive a phone call or an email (whichever was chosen when getting a library card) to let you know it's ready!
You're allowed to place up to 15 items on hold at a time.