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General Criticism of Mark Twain Works
Mark Twain by In a single, eye-opening volume, Mark Twain, Updated Edition presents complex critical analyses of this author s work. Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Twain, a novelist, humorist, journalist, and orator, is renowned for his wit, wisdom, and keen social commentary. He is not only one of the most quoted and widely read American authors, but his life and work continue to generate biographical and critical interest today. Bringing together a selection of the best criticism available, Harold Bloom breaks down the intricacies of Twain s work and analyzes the ideas presented in clear, accessible language.
Call Number: 813.409 TWAIN MARISBN: 0791085694Student Companion to Mark Twain by This critical study allows students and general readers to appreciate the myriad perspectives of the man, his life, and his contributions to American literature. A fresh biographical account traces Twain's colorful life through his varied careers and adventures to his rise to national prominence as a writer of short stories, to the creation of masterpieces like Adventure of Huckleberry Finn.
ISBN: 0313312192Publication Date: 813.409 TWAIN SLO- Mark Twain by Mark Twain remains one of America's most beloved literary figures. Eminently quotable, his best writing combines irreverent humor with practical good sense and deep human feeling and, perhaps more so than the work of any other author, defines what it is tCall Number: RCLSISBN: 9781587656897
- Mark Twain by Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, the novelist, humorist, journalist, and orator who came to be known as Mark Twain was renowned for his wit, wisdom, and keen social commentary. He remains not only one of the most quoted and widely read American authors, and his life and work continue to generate biographical and critical interest today. This new volume in the ""Bloom's Classic Critical Views"" series presents historical essays from the 19th and early 20th century about this American novelist.Call Number: RCLSISBN: 9781604131345
Mark Twain by Mark Twain—the pen name of Samuel L. Clemens—is considered to be one of the greatest American writers, and ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN is thought by many to be the most important American novel. However, the language and attitudes in Twain's books make many people uncomfortable, since they reflect a more racist time in our country's history. As a result, there is a great deal of controversy over whether his books should be taught in school. Author Michelle M. Houle discusses Twain's life and times and analyzes two of his best known books. She also explores the history of book censorship, outlining why it occurs and possible ways to address it. She helps readers make up their own minds about whether the books should be banned.
Call Number: RCLSISBN: 9780766026896Mark Twain by An in-depth biography of Twain, along with essays by both contemporary & historical contributors that analyze Twain's work. For the serious student of Twain's work, this would prove invaluable. A chronology of Twain's life is tied in with world events. Listing of works by Twain arranged by year, suggestions for further research, & index. Part of the Greenhaven Press Literary Companion to American Authors series.
Call Number: 813.409 TWAIN REAISBN: 1565104706
Critical Writings on ADV. OF HUCK FINN
Novels for Students This volume contains easily accessible and context-rich discussions of the literary and historical significance of 15 works from various cultures and times.
Call Number: R 809 NOV vol. 1ISBN: 9780787616878- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Huck Finn's journey down the Mississippi River with the escaped slave Jim is one of America's best-known narrative.Call Number: 813.409 TWAINISBN: 0791082415
- Huck Finn by - Examines the most complex and memorable characters in Western literature - A selection of critical essays provides in-depth analysis of the character considered in each volume - A concise character profile discusses the character's key personality traits and physical attributes - Contains an editor's note and introduction by Harold BloomCall Number: 813.409 TWAIN HUCISBN: 0791078833Publication Date: 2004-02-01
- The Jim Dilemma by Especially in academia, controversy rages over the merits or evils of Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, in particular its portrayal of Jim, the runaway slave. Opponents disrupt classes and carry picket signs, objecting with strong emotion that Jim is no fit model for African-American youth of today. In continuing outcries they claim that he and the dark period of American history he portrays are best forgotten. That time has gone, Jim's opponents charge. This is a new day. But is it? Dare we forget? The author of The Jim Dilemma argues that Twain's novel, in the tradition of all great literature, is invaluable for transporting readers to a time, place, and conflict essential to understanding who we are today. Without this work, she argues, there would be a hole in American history and a blank page in the history of African-Americans. To avoid this work in the classroom is to miss the opportunity to remember. Few other popular books have been so much attacked, vilified, or censored. Yet Ernest Hemingway proclaimed Twain's classic to be the beginning of American literature, and Langston Hughes judged it as the only nineteenth-century work by a white author who fully and realistically depicts an unlettered slave clinging to the hope of freedom. A teacher herself, the author challenges opponents to read the novel closely. She shows how Twain has not created another Uncle Tom but rather a worthy man of integrity and self-reliance. Jim, along with other black characters in the book, demands a rethinking and a re-envisioning of the southern slave, for Huckleberry Finn, she contends, ultimately questions readers' notions of what freedom means and what it costs. As she shows that Twain portrayed Jim as nobody's fool, she focuses her discussion on both sides of the Jim dilemma and unflinchingly defends the importance of keeping the book in the classroom. Jocelyn Chadwick-Joshua is director of the American studies program at Dallas Institute for the Humanities.Call Number: 813.409 TWANI CHAISBN: 1578060613
Readings on "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Twain's novel remains one of America's greatest and most well read works. This volume offers more than fifteen critical selections that discuss themes and characters as well as the controversies the work continues to generate.
Call Number: RCLSISBN: 1565108183