Mental and Emotional Wellness Resources: Orange County NY Resources
Orange County Resources
- Al-Anon Family Groups of Orange County, NYThe Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope with one another. If your life has been affected by someone else’s drinking, Al-Anon can help you find healthy, positive ways to heal, whether the alcoholic continues to drink or not. Here in Orange County, NY, members can choose to attend meetings in person or online. Members who attend multiple meetings each week often attend both types of meetings.
- Alcoholics Anonymous: Orange County, NYAlcoholics Anonymous is a program of a new way of life without alcohol, a program that is working successfully for millions of men and women throughout the world, and in all walks of life. If you have a desire to stop drinking, please consider going to the nearest A.A. meeting to get further information on Alcoholics Anonymous. A.A. members, as volunteers, are happy to offer help by sharing their experience, strength and hope in staying sober. One of the ways members stay sober is by helping other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Throughout this website you will find links to A.A. pamphlets that explain our recovery program and give a general idea of how A.A. works. Call Us 24/7 at (845) 534-8525
- Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Council of Orange CountyThe Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Council of Orange County (ADAC), formed in 1972 by concerned community members, is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to address the disease of alcoholism and other drug addictions by educating the general public about alcoholism and drug addiction as a treatable family disease; advocating on behalf of alcoholic and other drug dependent people and those suffering the effects of alcoholism and other drug addictions; and by preventing the diseases of alcoholism and other drug dependencies and the abuse of alcohol and other drugs through education and information dissemination.
- Mental Health Association in Orange CountyMHA seeks to promote the positive mental health and emotional well-being of Orange County residents, working towards reducing the stigma of mental illness, developmental disabilities, and providing support to victims of sexual assault and other crimes. Learn more and get involved.
Orange County Resources
- NAMI Orange County NYNAMI of Orange County is an organization of families, friends and individuals whose lives have been affected by mental illness. Together, we advocate for better lives for those individuals who have a mental illness.
- Orange County Crisis Call CenterThe Orange County Crisis Call Center connects people in need of support for mental illness, substance use, developmental disability, sexual assault, or who need information/referrals with trained professionals, 24/7. DIAL 311 or 1-800-832-1200.
- Tri-County Community PartnershipThe Tri-County Community Partnership, Inc. is a non-profit organization started in October 2016 that raises awareness of the risks of alcohol and drug use through prevention, youth prevention, family support and drug dependency reduction programs. Their vision is to help raise strong, resilient, and healthy youth and communities. The Tri-County Prevention Coalition’s (TCPC) mission is to create positive change in our communities by increasing awareness about the risks of alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drug use among youth. It encompasses the Pine Bush Central School District and the area where Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster Counties intersect. Other programs include: the Youth Coalition, Hope Not Handcuffs (an initiative aimed at bringing law enforcement and community organizations together in an effort to find viable treatment options for individuals seeking help to reduce dependency on drugs and alcohol). Sober Living Scholarships, Peer Recovery Coaching and Stronger Together (an addiction support group for family and friends of people struggling with addiction).
- VoicesUnited4ChangeVoicesUnited4Change is a grassroots organization made up of parents, professionals and youth who are champions of children’s mental health and have lived experience dealing with mental health challenges and overcoming them. Based in Middletown, NY, we provide an opportunity for youth and family members to understand and value the importance of having a voice. Members use their experience to advocate for change to ensure that Family and Youth driven care and its values become ingrained in our community.