Magazines, Homework Help, Databases at Tappan Library: Newspapers
Free and licensed online databases and reference tools, including full-text magazine articles, provided by the Tappan Library.
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Historical Newspapers
- Chronicling AmericaSearch America's historic newspapers pages from 1836-1922 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
- Historical Newspapers This link opens in a new windowSearch over 35,875,000 Historical Newspaper Pages from the USA & Canada. Full text search can be retrieved using the Advanced Search option.
- HRVH Historical NewspapersHRVH Historical Newspapers provides access to digitized copies of historical newspapers from the Hudson River Valley region of New York State. Includes several Rockland and Orange County newspapers.
Funded by federal funds, New York State funding for library systems, special grants and annual membership dues.
- NYS Historic NewspapersThe NYS Historic Newspapers project provides free online access to a wide range of newspapers chosen to reflect New York's unique history.