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Harriet Tubman: Journey to Freedom: Home

Learn more about Harriet Tubman and events happening in Newburgh surrounding the grant.

Useful Websites for More Information on Harriet Tubman, Underground RR

Material Available at the Newburgh Free Library

Harriet Tubman-Journey to Freedom - Wesley Wofford Sculpture Studio

Harriet Tubman Sculpture - Wesley Wofford Sculpture Studio, 1

Wesley Wofford is honored to unveil his most significant monument to date.  This 9 foot Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad sculpture personifies a role model and hero, and we are proud to commemorate the resilience and contributions of strong women throughout history.

Harriet Tubman Sculpture - Wesley Wofford Sculpture Studio, 2

Harriet is confidently leading a slave girl on The Underground Railroad to freedom.  She is leaning into the wind with her shoulder, chin down, and bracing herself against the elements.  Her eyes are cut formidably up, anticipating the next part of the journey.  The wind illustrates the peril of the journey but is also a metaphor for the intense opposition she faced.

Harriet Tubman Sculpture - Wesley Wofford Sculpture Studio, 3

Harriet Tubman Sculpture - Wesley Wofford Sculpture Studio, 4

Harriet's dress is protectively enveloping the girl, billowing like a flag.  This represents all of the legal protections afforded to every United States citizen- a symbol of the future equality to come.

Harriet Tubman Sculpture - Wesley Wofford Sculpture Studio, 5

The contours of the base are the Maryland/Delaware Peninsula where Harriet was enslaved, eventually escaped, and continued to return for her freedom raids.  The dramatic step up/cut is the Pennsylvania state line and the two are stepping out of the slave states to an elevated freedom.  

Harriet Tubman Sculpture - Wesley Wofford Sculpture Studio, 8

Each hand on the sculpture signifies an attribute: Determination, Protection, Fear, and Trust.  The slave girl is leaning out to get a better look at where Harriet is taking her with a look of trepidation on her face.  The girl is gripping Harriet's right arm tightly but her delicate finger grasp is cautiously hopeful.

Harriet Tubman Sculpture - Wesley Wofford Sculpture Studio, 10

The girl is off balance and tentatively taking a step forward- her left foot precariously hanging off a cliff, illustrating the danger and peril of the journey.  The shackles are broken and the atrocities of slavery are left forever behind.

Smithsonian Channel - What You Never Knew About Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Vistor's Center- - Church Creek, Maryland

Newburgh Journey to Freedom Events

Bridge Talk & Discussion Books