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RCLS Mock Book Discussions: Mock Odyssey

This guide is for RCLS member library staff who would like to participate in the Mock Book discussions.

About this Award

The Odyssey Award is given to the producer of the best audiobook produced for children and/or young adults, available in English in the United States.  The award is jointly given and administered by the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), divisions of ALA, and is sponsored by Booklist.

The story of the wanderings of Ulysses, as he returns to his kingdom of Ithaca after the Trojan War, are ascribed to the blind poet Homer who either wrote, or dictated, the epic poem called "The Odyssey." Whether this odyssey of Ulysses was based on one specific event, or many different ones, is argued by researchers today, though they all seem to agree that the poems comprising The Odyssey were originally told and retold in the oral tradition, hence the name for this award. The Odyssey Award allows us to return to the ancient roots of storytelling, while living in our modern world.

Learn more about the Odyssey Award

Use the message board below to discuss any books you feel are contenders for the 2021 Odyssey award. Keep conversation civil and respectful. Your post may be listed as anonymous. If so, please sign your name to make it easier for discussion participants to converse.

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