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Censorship Resources: Training

Additional Training

The following trainings are all available to RCLS member library staff via Niche Academy. In order to ensure you receive credit for training, sign in before beginning a training module.

Library Violence Prevention and De-escalation
     Description: In this webinar, we will discuss how staff/patron interactions typically affect the level of risk more than the physical environment itself.

Dealing with Complaints and Challenges for Directors
     Description: Complaints and formal challenges often arise out of a genuine concern about protecting others, especially children. But any challenge is a direct violation of the First Amendment and the Freedom to Read.


On demand webinars from Every Library:
Includes a fighting book bans series. Click here view.

Calm, (Legally) Cool, and Collected: Tactics for Libraries Facing Book Challenges and Collection-based Protests, an ESLN webinar with Ask The Lawyer attorney, Stephanie Cole Adams. Held December 2, 2021

Presented by Programming Librarian, May 31, 2023. Resources and full description can be accessed by clicking here.