Our Manual has two main parts:
We have curated booklists by audience (from babies to their grownups) with direct links to all of the library holdings. No need to search the catalogs -we’ve done it for you! This is not limited to our own Library catalog (this RCLS system catalog shows what nearby libraries own), as well as our digital libraries (Overdrive and Hoopla. We have included both nonfiction and fiction titles.
Diversity Booklist
Black Lives Matter Booklist
AAPI Booklist
We have also curated a resources document full of videos for kids, podcasts for teens, articles for parents and more. There are so many places this conversation can start and we hope one of these helps you find the best starting point for you and your family.
It is our wish that this Manual will serve as a guide for tough conversations, a list of your child's new favorite books, and a way for teens to further their journey to understanding.
BLM Resources
Stop Asian Hate Resources
Other Resources: Cultural Awareness Library