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Building Bridges Behind Bars

NYLA 2018 Annual Conference Presentation Randall Enos, Youth Services Consultant for Ramapo Catskill Library System

Randall Enos, Youth Services Coordinator

Randall Enos, Retired Youth Services Consultant

Ramapo Catskill Library System


Randall Enos, now retired, was the Youth Services Consultant for the Ramapo Catskill Library System headquartered in Middletown.  During his tenure at RCLS, he served on several award committees including the Newbery and Caldecott Awards and was the Chair of the 2015 Newbery Award Committee. He was active with NYLA's Youth Services Section and the Friends of Libraries Section. This LibGuide was created for Randy when he presented Building Bridges Behind Bars at the NYLA Convention in 2018.

The seed that inspired his love for children’s literature was planted in his childhood by a family and teachers who embraced good literature.  The appreciation for children’s literature flowered in his first job as a librarian working with inner-city children and observing their interactions with good literature.

Major Accomplishments

In 2015, Randy was given the title of "President Emeritus" of the newly formed Friends of Libraries Section of the New York Library Association by a unanimous vote of the Board due to "extensive and distinguished service" to the section and to the Empire Friends Roundtable that preceded it.

He was a frequent presenter at the New York Library Association (NYLA) conferences on topics ranging from library Friends issues to youth services topics.  He has also presented at NYLA's Youth Services Section and the Section of School Librarians conferences. 

In 2017, Randy made a presentation to the librarians from the area correctional facilities on materials for families of inmates, and the presentation will be expanded at the upcoming state conference.

Other highlights of Randy's career included annual presentations of the ALSC Notable Children's Books to area librarians and teachers; involvement in a collaboration of school library system directors to organize an annual literary festival for regional school and public librarians, and coordination of system-wide Battle of the Books for teens.

Degrees. Certificates, and Activities

Degrees and Certificates
Emporia State University, MLS, 1974; University of Kansas, BA Anthropology, 1973.

Division Affiliation(s)

ALA Activities

Council, member, 2006 - 2008
Booklist / Book Links Advisory Board, member, 1997 - 2003
ALA-CBC Joint Committee, co-chair, 1989
ALA-CBC Joint Committee, member, 1988

Children and Libraries Editorial Committee, chair, 2017 - present
Newbery Award Committee, chair, 2015
Awards Task Force, member, 2014
Book Award Seals Task Force, member, 2013
Interdivisional Committee on School-Public Library Cooperation, chair, 2011 - 2012
Sibert Award Committee, member, 2011
Priority Group 2 (Evaluation of Media), consultant, 2008 - 2009
Newbery Award Committee, member, 2005
Arbuthnot Committee
Board, member, 2000-2003
ALSC President's Program Planning Committee, chair, 2000
Notable Children's Book Committee, member, 1997 - 1998
Caldecott Award Committee, member, 1994
Notable Children's Filmstrips, chair, 1987
Notable Children's Filmstrips, member 1986

Research Committee, chair 2006 - 2007


Offices held in state/regional library associations,
and other associations

New York Library Association

Council, Member, 1989
Friends of Libraries Section, President Emeritus, 2015 - present
Empire Friends Roundtable, President, 1996 - 1997, 2003, 2012 - 2014
Empire Friends Roundtable, Treasurer, 2011
Empire Friends Roundtable, Secretary, 2000
Empire Friends Roundtable, Board Member 1992 - 2014
Youth Services Section, President, 1989
Youth Services Section, Treasurer, 1987

Pennsylvania Center for the Book
Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award Committee, member 2007 - 2008

Honors and Awards

New York Library Association, Dewey Fellow, 2017
Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County, Friend of the Extension Award, 2006
Library Association of Rockland County, Leadership and Outstanding Service to Rockland County Youth Librarians Award, 2005
International Reading Association and Amy Bull Crist Reading Council, Award for Exemplary Service in the Promotion of Literacy, 2002
New York Library Association, Outstanding Service to Libraries Award, 2000


Reviewer:  Over 493 reviews of children's books, Booklist (ALA), 2006 to present.

Co-creator: "Calendar Capers." (New York Library Association / Youth Services Section), 1993.

Co-author:  "New York is Reading Country." (New York State Summer Reading Program Manual), 1992.