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ANSER Training: Item Records


For more detail on searching, here is a link to the SirsiDynix basic training manual:

Add Title Part I - Searching

Cataloging Multi Disc DVD Sets

What does |z do?


Creates a drop down box for variations. Alot of titles came across from Horizon this way (Copy field became |z)

Items Needing Photocopy Cataloging

Transfers Wizard

DVD and BLU-RAY and |z

We'd like to offer some clarification and guidelines for how to handle Blu-Ray/regular DVD bundled packages. (From Jerry)

If a movie is ONLY sold by the publisher as a Blu-Ray/DVD bundle, we can not create two separate title records (one for DVD and one for Blu-Ray). If it is sold as a lone DVD and also as a Blu-Ray/DVD bundle, we can create two title records. If it is sold as lone DVD, lone Blu-Ray, and also as a Blu-Ray/DVD bundle, we can create three title records. [All three would have unique UPC numbers.]

If a library buys a Blu-Ray/DVD bundle and then re-packages it as separate discs, they could link each disc to the lone DVD or Blu-Ray title record...IF THEY EXIST. If they do not exist as separate full records in the ANSER catalog, libraries should NOT be creating CAPS records for a lone DVD or lone Blu-Ray format. Doing so will cause our catalogers to waste time searching for records that may not exist.

I think that more and more we'll see movies come out as Blu-Ray/DVD bundles with no separate lone packaging--especially no separate DVD package. In that case if the library wants to split them and circulate them separately, they could link each disc to the Blu-Ray/DVD bundle title record and use the volume statement |zblu-ray only or |zdvd only


Use any call number to the left of the |z you would like but leave room in the entry box for the volume statement (|z)

If a library links to a Blu-Ray/DVD combo record:

-All discs (in both formats) are under one barcode - Don't use |z

-All Blu-ray discs are under one barcode -  use |zblu-ray only

-Blu-ray discs are barcoded separately  - use |zblu-ray only discs 1-3 ;|zblu-ray only discs 4-6

-Blu-ray discs are barcoded individually - use |zblu-ray only disc 1 ; |zblu-ray only disc 2

-All DVD discs are under one barcode  - use |zdvd only

-DVD discs are barcoded separately  - use |zdvd only discs 1-3 ; |zdvd only discs 4-6

-DVD discs are barcoded individually  - use |zdvd only disc 1 ; |zdvd only disc 2

If a library links DVDs to a DVD record:

-All dvds included under one barcode - use |zall discs

-DVD discs barcoded separately - use |zdiscs 1-3 ; |zdiscs 4-6

- DVD discs barcoded individually - use |zdisc1 ; |zdisc 2

If a library links Blu-Rays to a Blu-Ray record:

-All Blu-ray discs are under one barcode - use |zall discs

-Blu-ray discs are barcoded separately  - use |zdiscs 1-3 ; |zdiscs 4-6

-Blu-ray discs are barcoded individually - use |zdisc 1 ; |zdisc 2

Items Needing Photocopy Cataloging

"List Items Needing Photocopy Cataloging" is a report you can run from your CIRC login. The report shows what items still have CAPS records because our Cataloging dept.  needs more information about the item. View the help video over to the left of this page.

·         -  It's a good idea to run the report each month

·         -  If you go through your list and see that there is already a quality MARC record for an item (ie. not CAPS), make sure you delete the Circnote.

·          - As you go through the list, and send in the photocopies of the front, back and title page of the item, delete the Circnote.

 -  If you would like help setting up the report to run monthly (and it can be sent to an e-mail address if you like) - just ask! (or view the how-to video here). The template can be found in your CIRC login.

- Items on the list may be AVAIL-SOON, and we realize you don't have the item yet, but just keep in mind to send the info when you do get the item in.

See section 6, page 11 of the ANSER Manual for more info. Thanks for helping to keep the catalog updated!

Please view the video on the left of this page.

Add Brief Title (not ILL)

Occasionally you get an uncatalogued item at the circ desk and will need a brief title record. Here is a sample of the fields you should fill in. You should let your Tech Services know, so they can link to a proper title record or create a CAPS record.

Notes: For an ILL item, ISBN is not necessary and the default fields are already filled in. Just add a title and barcode (item id)

For samples of proper title syntax in a CAPS record, see further below.

See Section 4 page 8 of the ANSER Manual