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Orange Library Association: Home

officers and meeting dates

About us

The purpose of the Orange Library Association (OLA) is to promote the 17 public libraries in Orange County, New York.


  • Promote library service in Orange County.
  • Encourage access to materials among all libraries in the County through cooperative library service.
  • Promote local and national guidelines and best practices for library service.
  • Educate the public about library services and funding concerns.
  • Provide regular programs, meetings and publications for the education and enjoyment of our members.
  • Oppose censorship with a pledge of active support in local areas where freedoms are attacked.


OLA's mission is to promote library service, to encourage access to materials among all county libraries through cooperation and exchange of information, to promote state and national guidelines for library service, to educate the public about library services and funding issues, to provide regular programs, meetings and publications to educate members, and to oppose censorship and pledge active support in local areas where freedoms are attacked. OLA is interested in promoting programs and projects in which all 17 libraries can participate, which utilize our county funding and which will promote literacy and reading. Our principal activities are meetings, training for members, and the Books for Babies program.


This publication was supported in part by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Web site

For more information about Orange Library Association, visit our Web site:

Officers 2012-2013

President              Matt Pfisterer, Middletown

Vice President   Lisa Hewel

Secretary            Terry Numa, Florida

Treasurer          Ginny Neidermier, Walden

Past President  Beverly Arlequeeuw, Port Jervis


Orange Reads 2012
Stay tuned for information about OLA's Orange Reads project for 2012. We will be reading Forever by Pete Hamill.